Donath, Petzold, Thurow
conceived specifically for use as a universal experimentation platform. As a central data store, this represents a minimal form of
server serving as storage for the model(s) and for communication between clients. The clients are individual applications and
represent the individual tools. They operate on a system of parallel models, with adjustment mechanisms to maintain
consistency within the models.
A future research area will concentrate on the inclusion of AR and VR technology in the surveying and planning process an the one
hand and on the other.
Fig. 13: A Vision of an building surveying system based on AR/VR technologies
Based upon an analysis of requirements in the renovation process, a concept called 'AugPlan' has been developed and technological
requirements have been identified (Fig. 13).
The current state of the research outlines possible application areas for AR and VR techniques from the point of view of the user:
the measurement and gathering of information on-site (description)
the communication between architect and specialist engineers during the planning process ( communication and provision
of filtered information)
the display of hidden/not directly accessible information (clarity)
the creation and editing of new information on the building(design and planning)
Donath, D. and Petzold, F.: 1997, A digital way of planning based on information surveying, in R. Junge (ed.), CA AD futures '97,
Springer-Verlag, München, pp. 183-187.
Donath, D.; Lömker, T.M. and Petzold, F.: 2000, New approaches in computer aided project planning - Towards the use of a
modular building information system based on digital survey in the revitalisation process of existing building, in J.R.Kös,
A.S. Barbosa and R.C. (edrs.), SIGRADI2000, Gräfica Onida Ltda., Rio de Janeiro, pp. 212-215.
Donath, D.; Liedtke, M.; Petzold, F.and Thurow, T.: 2000, Geometrieerfassung und -abbildung in der Bestandsaufnahme .in J. Hanff,
E. Kasparek, M. Ruess and G. Schutte, G. (edrs.), Forum Bauinformatik 2000 - Junge Wissenschaftler forschen, Fortschr.-
Ber. VDI Reihe 4 Nr. 163, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 68-76.
Petzold, F; Willenbacher, H, Willenbacher, S. and Bubner, A.: 2000, Relationen-orientierter Daten- und Informationsaustausch -
Basis eines flexiblen digitalen Bauwerksmodells, in J. Hanff, E. Kasparek, M. Ruess and G. Schutte, G. (edrs.), Forum
Bauinformatik 2000 - Junge Wissenschaftler forschen, Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 4 Nr. 163, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 25-
Willenbacher, H. and Hübler, R.: 2000, Relationen zwischen Domänenmodellen - Ansatz zur Schaffung einer integrierten
computergestützten Bauplanungsumgebung, in L. Hempel (ed), IKM2000, Weimar, CD-ROM.