Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Combination of Manual, Geodetic and Photogrammetric Measurements ... 
During this process it is of high importance to examine the collected data according to completeness and consistency. A well-suited 
technique for this purpose is the projection of acquired 3D vector data (from tacheometrie, bundle or stereo photogrammetric 
restitution) into oriented images (Wiedemann 2001, Fig. 7). 
3.4. Data Analysis and Presentation 
As the data collection has been carried out in an analogue way, it is still necessary to do the data analysis also on paper. Even if the 
main publication concerning the Ninfeo has been published as e-book online on the internet (Doring 1999) most of the graphics have 
been collected in a traditional way and scanned afterwards. This was the only way to create homogeneous products (Fig. 8). The 
creation of suitable and complete 3D representations requires still a lot of interactive work on the computer but delivers sometime 
impressive results (Fig. 9). In the near future this multiple analogue-digital conversions and vice-versa have to be avoided by 
developing suitable digital data collection and analysis tools (Rohn 2001). 
Figure 8: Manually drawn isometric view based on combined measurements 
Architectural Research Team 
Geodetic Team 
Site Research 
Survey Preparation 
Archival and Environmental Research, Copies of 
Historical Imagery and Texts 
Campaign Preparation 
Determination of Control Points to be Signalised, Definition of Section Planes 
Site Sketches 
Design, Survey and of the Control Network 
Autonomous manual measurements 
Photogrammetric Image Acquisition 
Measurement of Details 
Orthogonal Measurements 
Documentation, Room Book 
Geodetic Adjustment 
Stereophotogrammetric Restitution 
Image Rectification 
Data Fusion 
Data Transformation 
Data Analysis 
Presentation of Results 
Table 1: Simplified work flow during the project Ninfeo Bramanteco

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