Simple Photogrammetric Methods with ARPENTEUR ...
4.2 Results
The shooting was made with semi-metrical equipment (Elcovision 24x36 et Rollei 6x6) by AGP company; the photographs
topometricaly adjusted. We introduce here after a result on the annexed small room Frigidarium.
Figure 7: Shooting with a semi-metric camera 24 x 36
Figure 8: On the left North-South rectified cylinder, on the right cartography of digitized plastering erosion made by AGP Company
rectified photographs
I-MAGE process is one of the ARPENTEUR recent evolutions and make a tool devoted to the Archeologists and to the Architects,
thanks to an automatization of photogrammetric treatment to allow a non photogrammetrists person to make a correct plotting.
In the I-MAGE process, cylinder rectification integration, and more generally image rectification, offer to the operator another
restitution way, which in the building archeology context has often a great interest. The produced document allies qualitative