cs, Herbig, Börner
ho-economic transi-
oth cases, as well as
is in mean tempera-
over and landscape
ral variations of the
c events, which had
>e, the south-east of
and its swamps for
nore or less precise
:an contribute to re-
> the changing water
storical maps and of
reliminary results of
ical analysis of time
>uth- and south-east-
els, which lasted till
oofs had been given,
>ject of that time was
>ads to Moson (Wie-
e very south-eastern
lal state of landcover
: lake, as represented
is have been drained
}f the extensive low-
25 areas of the former
. 1 and Fig. 2).
) photograph (date of
!75km, spectral reso
lo, geometric resolu-
tiated under the reign
;tem Hungary respec-
r interpretation based
g lands (Podersdorfer
of the lake. Most of
:al for this region has
have been exploited
urrounded by drained
pped details like soli-
Time Series of Historical Maps and Plans for Analysing Local to Regional Structures ...
tary trees and bushes (circles) and former small lake basins (ring-shaped dotted lines), which are specifically useful for landscape
structural analysis, show Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.
Fig. 1: Subset of the topographic map of the Austro-Hungarian
Empire, sheet Frauenkirchen and surroundings (east of Neus
iedler See), M(orig) = 1:25000 (Section c des Gradkartenblat-
tes Nr. 14, Col Nr.XVI/W, 4858/5-8, 1873)
Fig. 2: Subset of a landuse map derived from aerial CIR-
photointerpretation (date of acquisition: August 15 th 1979,
M ( orig)= appr. 1:10000, 4-level dichotomous interpretation key)
Time series of historical maps, of aerial and satellite imagery of National Park regions have to be analysed by combined methods of
visual and digital interpretation based on topochronological comparison and supported by tools of image and geographic information
analysis (GIS) First results concerning case studies in the National Park Region Neusiedler See prove for the efficiency ol these
approaches (Csaplovics et Senffner 1991, Csaplovics et al. 1994, Csaplovics et al. 1996, Csaplovics 1998, Herzig et al. 2001).