Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

Csaplovics, Herbig, Börner 
Time Serie 
Fig. 7: “Franziszeische Kataster” Vienna 1829, Detail 
Fig. 9: Problems caused by paper distortion 
The “Franziszeische Kataster” is a large scale historical land register map which has been generated in the beginning of the 19 lh 
century. The Austrian Emperor Franz 1 st made a tax regulating declaration on December 23 rd 1817 which initiated the creation of a 
land register, named after the emperor “Franziszeischer Kataster”. It consists a map in the scale of 1:2880 and the register which 
listed all details of the owners and the protocol of each property which is linked to the map by the land register map number. The 
map shows the landuse and the material of the houses (stone or wood). The work on the “Franziszeischer Kataster” for all crown 
lands of the Austrian monarchy lasted until 1844. The Viennese part of the map was finished in 1829. 
Haupt und Residenz. - Stadt 
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Fig. 8: “Franziszeische Kataster” Vienna 1829, Overview 
Fig. 10: The montage of the digitised “Franziszeischer Kataster” 
in progress 
The “Franziszeischer Kataster” of Vienna consists on 31 maps which cover each an area of 1896,48x1517,184 m 2 . 
To overlay the actual map of Vienna with the “Franziszeischer Kataster” the coloured paper maps were scanned in a tiff - format in 
greyscale. Thereafter the map was digitised manually in the CAD-system AutoCAD into different layers which categorise the lan 
duse, houses and the material of the houses (stone or wood). 
To bring the “Franziszeischer Kataster” into the right scale the method of Mekenkamp has been used, with which the scale number is 
calculated by using a number of measured distances in both maps. 
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