Full text: Surveying and documentation of historic buildings - monuments - sites

ics, Herbig, Börner 
ieginning of the 19 th 
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szeischer Kataster” 
Time Series of Historical Maps and Plans for Analysing Local to Regional Structures ... 
For the transloimation ot the historical map on to the actual map the Helmert Transformation has been executed for a chosen test area 
to check the accuracy ot the Franziszeischer Kataster . This test showed a satisfying result so that the rest of the maps have been 
digitised. The dilteient areas ot the properties have been defined with polygons and shaded with solids so that data can be assigned to 
each area. 
This step has been made piimarily to create a digital, coloured, complete version of the “Franziszeischer Kataster” which can easily 
be reproduced. The montage ot the 31 maps into one piece showed the problem of distortion of the old paper prints. As the distortion 
differs from map to map, it causes problems along the edges of the maps, as the lines don’t tit well. 
Betore these border areas between two maps are adjusted the transformation of the complete montage has to be considered. The 
transformation ot the complete montage in one step which is an vector file of a size of 60Mb is not advisable. Another problem 
within the file is caused by the shaded areas, which could lose their boundaries during the transformation and be of no use anymore. 
A solution could be to erase the solids, divide the big CAD-Drawing into small areas with a number of well defined identification 
points in the Franziszeischer Kataster and in the actual map and put these parts together again. In a final step the border areas have 
to be adjusted, to get a homogenous result. 
The final result of this work is the integration of the “Franziszeischer Kataster” into the Archaeological GIS which is a useful tool for 
the municipal planning and as parts of it are accessible via internet also an instrument to show the public some interesting historical 
details of the city of Vienna. 
Fig. 11 shows a test-area of the “Franziszeischer Katastef'(coloured) which is already integrated into the GIS and overlays the actual 
map of Vienna (grey). 
Fig. 11 : “Kulturgüterkataster” 
Fig. 12: “Albertinischer Plan” 1438-1455 
To integrate historical maps into a modern GIS of a town has several advantages. With the historical map it is possible to identify 
houses, objects and areas which are not existing anymore and which cannot be defined in the modern maps. The date of the origin ot 
the map can show which period of the town’s history can be discovered when using this special map within the GIS. So it is possible 
to structure the big amount of information, which is available of a town which has such a long history as Vienna and to make the use 
of the GIS easier. 
This research project concentrates on building a GIS-based topochronological documentation of the fortifications ot Vienna by ana 
lysing large scale maps for the time period from the 15th century to the destruction oi the fortification in 1860.1 he aim of the project 
is to outline the history of the fortification of Vienna which is not yet summarised in a complete context. A team of scientists has to 
record the material which is spread in several archives and museums. The available maps and pictures are planned to be digitised and 
combined in a database. To show the changes of the fortification buildings during the peiiod of their existing in a vivid way, a GIS 
has to be developed which is based on historic maps which show the town at several stadiums ot its development. 9 
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The history of the fortification of Vienna began in medieval times when Duke Leopold V' h (1177-1194) initiated the building of a 
S development of military equipment the wall was not efficient enough to defend the town. So an offensive of the Hungarian 
Emperor Matthias Corvinus was successful and the town was occupied from 1484 to 1490. After this expertence and the danger of an 
offensive by the Turkish army the fortification has to be enlarged and strengthened (Fig. 13).

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