ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
attached turn attribute based on general node-link topology.
In our opinion, future research will be focus on the lower
level such as data structure, order of node selection and so
on. Defining new data structures to representing the
relationship between links are prevailing approach. A new
forward star structure is proposed to represent turn penalties
or banned. Based on the new data structures, a modified
label-correcting algorithm is used to compute, which can
take advantage of the new data structure.
The proposed method is tested on a large-scale road
network for Hong Kong, which includes 5,351 nodes and
7,117 arcs. The result is compared to the approach typically
used in the conventional methods, which reveal that the
proposed data structure and modified label-correcting
algorithm can have a superior performance in terms of
memory and computational efficiency.
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