1SPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
IFLP algorithm is used for converting uncertain multiobjective
problems into their deterministic forms. Thus, coefficients in the
objective functions and the constraints' left-hand sides are
handled as inexact intervals, while linear membership functions
are assigned to fuzzy goals of the system objectives and the
right-hand side constraint values.
The study area was divided into seven subareas with different
environmental, economic and resource characteristics. The
planning horizon was 15 years which were further divided into
two periods (1995 to 2000 and 2001 to 2010). Based on detailed
investigation of the study system and extensive interaction with
local authorities and stakeholders, three groups of objectives
were considered to have top priority, including (1) economic
return, (2) forest coverage, and (3) water quality (minimization of
nitrogen, phosphorous, and COD losses) and soil conservation.
The conceptual expression of the IFMOP model is as follows:
economic return,
forest cover,
soil loss,
water quality objectives:
nitrogen loss,
phosphorous loss,
COD discharge,
subject to:
land availability constraints,
agricultural production constraints,
forest-related activity constraints,
industrial activity constraints,
tourism-related activity constraints,
net-cage fish culture constraints,
lime/brick production constraints,
water demand/supply constraints,
soil loss constraints,
water quality constraints,
technical constraints.
The detailed model and solution method was provided in Huang
et al. (1996).
Generally, this hybrid inexact-fuzzy optimization approach will
allow effective identification, quantification, communication, and
assessment of uncertainties in different forms and the associated
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Figure 3 EXCEL and ORSYS modules used in model-base management subsystem
pollution risks. The modeling outputs can be directly used for
generating decision alternatives and providing bases for further
tradeoff analysis and risk assessment. The computation of
IFMOP is executed by combining two software tools: MS EXCEL
and ORSYS. The modeling matrices are established in EXCEL
worksheets which can be conveniently modified by users in an
interactive solution process. The ORSYS is capable of dealing
with large-scale (mix-integer) linear programming problems. It
can retrieve the information from the EXCEL worksheet and
export the solutions back to the EXCEL. Figure 3 shows EXCEL
and ORSYS modules used in the optimization process
Geographical information system (GIS) is used for graphically
analyzing managing knowledge of the study watershed by
capturing, manipulating, processing, and displaying spatial and
geo-referenced data. The GIS technology is chosen as a basic
tool throughout the modeling processes due to its ability to
clearly expose complex environmental conditions within the
watershed. GIS is used in three areas throughout the system
development and implementation process: (i) managing spatial
and non-spatial database; (ii) linking models; and (iii) providing
interface between the models and their users.
Database Management
The GIS database management subsystem focuses on the
attributes and data necessary to run the simulation models. The
major elements include soil properties, climate, topography,
hydrography, land use, water quality, pollution sources, and
environmental management practices. GIS is used for entering
data, comparing data from different sources and formats,
assessing data availability and quality (e g. accuracy and scale),
and identifying errors in data (Grossmann et al., 1993). All
encoded digital data, coverages and model variables in the GIS
were spatially organized with a consistent resolution and
coordinate system. Spatial graphic data from different sources
with different formats are entered into and analyzed by Arc/Info,
and presented by ArcView. Nonspatial data are stored as
attribute files. Figure 4 graphically shows an ArcView display for
data and map. The developed GIS system assures the integraty
of data and makes it possible for them to be used in the
modeling processes, and result analysis and presentation.
Figure 4 GIS system for the Lake Erhai Basin
Model-base Management
The GIS system, with its spatial analysis functions, is used to
connect each individual model to form an integrated modeling
framework. Especially, the simulation and optimization models
can be connected to allow the simulated results be input into the
optimization models and the optimized results be reflected in the
simulation. These connections are achieved through ArcView