Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
an ideal tool for decision support system for regional flood risk 
assessment. Photogrammetry and remote sensing provide a 
unique combination of DEM and DOM, which allows the use of 
land-use information in the estimation of flood propagation. This 
is a major advantage over the data sets, and allows a 
considerable refinement of the flood estimation process with little 
additional processing. 
Fig.4 creating DLG with scanning cartographic digitization 
4. Conclusion 
With the development of modern cities, more and more 
advanced technologies are applied to UDSS.4D products 
generated from photogrammetry and remote sensing has 
constituted a decision support information system. This 
information has provided anew perspective to decision-makers, 
planners, government officials, and the public. In effect, UDSS 
are being used as one of the key element by decision-makers for 
urban planning and management, environment protection. 
Additionally, the accessibility to 4D products, as well as digital 
image has afforded those entities and individuals who wish to 
utilize these data and image. Information can be provided by 
governmental website. 
To this extent, research and development in new spatial 
data mining, interoperability, infrastructure, standards, and 
widespread applications are all valuable to the urban planning 
and environmental management. We believe that have 
successful in creating UDSS, through 4D and associated 
enabling technologies. 
The study work we have done constitute a first step in both 
creating UDSS and its application. From this perspective, we see 
where much more work needs to be done streamlining the 
processing and handling of photogrammetry and remote sensing 
data to make the digital products generated more efficient and 
easier to use and analyze, in particular, 3D city model and 3D 
spatial analysis. Additionally, more time and added funding will 
be needed to establish cybercity. 
4D products derived from 3S technologies used in UDSS 
have meaning for those entrusted with managing our urban 
resources and protecting urban environment. UDSS created by 
4D and relevant technologies will benefit us all. 
Fig.5 real-time flood risk analysis for UDSS using 4D techniques 
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