Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
Yutaka OHSAWA 1 Atushi NAGASHIMA 2 
1 Department of Information and Computer Sciences, Saitama University 
Shimo-okubo, 255, Urawa, Saitama, 338-8570, Japan 
Tel: 81-48-858-3717, Fax: 81-48-858-3716 
E-mail: ohsawa@mm.ics.saitama-u.ac.jp 
2 Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University 
Shimo-okubo, 255, Urawa, Saitama, 338-8570, Japan 
Tel: 81-48-858-3717, Fax: 81-48-858-3716 
E-mail: nagashi@mm.ics.saitama-u.ac.jp 
KEYWORDS Implicit Topology Description, Spatio-temporal Data Management, Free GIS 
This paper proposes a novel geographic information system named STIMS (Spatio-temporal Information Management System). The most 
significant characteristic feature of the system is on the point that the system based on an implicit topology description method. This 
system does not have topological information, for example administrative borderlines and transportation networks, explicitly, but implicitly. 
The system restores the topological information by spatial operations. By this implicit topology description, Spatio-temporal retrieval 
becomes easily, and spatial operations over the data sets gathered through computer network can be done easily. The authors are now 
implementing a Spatio-temporal geographic information system based on the concept. This paper describes the concept and an 
On conventional geographic information systems, topological 
information has been described explicitly using relational tables or 
pointers [1]. The early days when GIS came into existence 
(1970s), the computer processing speed was very slow and the 
amount of main memory was limited. Then, to express topological 
information explicitly was mandatory for obtaining good response. 
During later two or three decades, computing speed has 
increased more than 1,000 times. By this computing power 
progress, new methodology which restore the topological 
information by calculation when it is necessary becomes 
actual[2],[3]. We call this methodology as implicit topology 
description method. 
When we want to know the shortest path between two specified 
points (start and destination) over a road network, the path can be 
found by successive following the connected road segments 
under the control of A* algorithm[4] or Dijkstra algorithm[5]. When 
the topological information of road network is given explicitly, the 
set of connected road segments at an intersection can be known 
very easily by following pointers or inquiring relational tables. On 
the other hand, on implicit topology model, the topological 
information is restored by spatial retrieval at the each intersection. 
The connecting road segments at an intersection have the same 
end point, then these road segments can be found by a spatial 
search to find the road segments whose one of the end point meet 
the intersection location. This type of spatial retrieval can be done 
efficiently using spatial data structure, for example R-tree(6] or its 
descendants[7]. In STIMS, GBD-tree[8],[9], which developed the 
same purpose, is used for this spatial search. 
By possessing topological information implicitly, temporal 
information management becomes easy[10]. For example, 
suppose the situation to manage the transition of administrative 
borderline for 50 years time span. During the time span, cities 
may have been merged and split, and the name of the cities may 
have been changed. When explicit topological expression is used 
for managing these changes, the structure becomes very 
complicated like spaghetti. On the other hand, on implicit topology 
description model, the data structure stays very simple despite 
such changes. Because, city border at specified time is restored 
by spatial retrieval using Spatio-temporal key. 
We implemented the system on PC by C++. By our experimental 
results, retrieval of the connected line segments at a specified 
node can be done 70-nanosecond, and restoration of the shape 
of city block can be done 1 to 2 microseconds on PCs. The 
computing speed is enough for interactive use of GIS. However, 
such retrieval time is little slower in comparing with conventional 
explicit topology GIS. Then, we developed a cache technique[11] 
for restored topological information. The cache keeps restored 
topological information until the cache size limit, then reused them 
for further requests. Using this, the calculation time reduced to 
In section 2, data model used in STIMS is described. In section 3, 
several spatial operations to restore topological information is 
described. In section 4, temporal data handling method and its 
data structure is described. GIS refers several dataset, including 
spatial entity file, attribute data file, several definitions and 
legends. Such kinds of data formats are described in section 5. 
Section 6 concludes the paper. 
Geographic entities dealt in this paper are limited in 
two-dimensional space for simplicity of description. Geographical 
entities dealt in a two-dimensional GIS can be categorized into 
three classes, points, lines and regions, depending on their 
geometrical feature. For example, macroscopically, buildings can 
be dealt as points, roads and power supply network can be dealt 
as a set of lines. Administrative districts are regions. Here we 
describe how such data is considered in the implicit topology 
Fig.l Network node and links 
Figure 1 shows part of a network, such as road network. In this 
figure, three roads, L-1, L-2 and L-3 are connected each other at 
node N. In the network, roads correspond to links and the 
intersections correspond to nodes. The explicit topology model, 
which has been used usual GIS, deals with the topology of the 
network explicitly using pointers or relation tables. 
The implicit topology model, on the other hand, describe 
topological information by definition and method functions. This 
method restores the topological relation through spatial 
operations. Namely, other links connected to the specified link are

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