ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
efficient enough for the Spatial Information Marketplace.
This paper proposed the usage of mediating server. Thus,
standardization on structuring multiple servers based on
mediating server is anticipated.
• Data semantics: Spatial Information Marketplaces is
applicability to various disciplines, for instances, planning,
engineering, and transportation. These disciplines
possess different meanings on a single entity. GML can
help to standardize the description and storage of
geographical information, however, GML does not
maintain semantic meanings of features. A standard for
describing features for different domains is required for
data service providers.
• Users interface: The user interface of the Spatial
Information Marketplace accommodates for huge amount
of services, on the other hand, the interface should be
friendly enough so that non-experienced customers can
use the services. This is a great challenge for designers
to develop the interface.
• Another component in the infrastructure includes a mobile
agent. The agent offers add-on services based on the
services in the marketplace. For examples, effectively
combining services available in the marketplaces in order
to accomplish an application, load balancing among
service providers, providing intelligent spatial information
to users based on their usual purchasing practices. More
research efforts in those areas are required.
The work described in this paper was supported by a grant The
Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a fund from the
Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong SAR (Project No.
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