ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
p a prototype of
et Management
o develope and
data model, to
access) and to
nd 4D analysis
, geometric and
): First, we can
o a large extent
;r different tools
the data access
- GIS. Therefore
ie possibilities
ghly depend on
; of a relational
he one hand to
I the other hand
separate tables,
nation only (its
and metric for a
e reduction of
need to save a
explicitly. The
with relations
itaining metrical
ealization of the
relational data
dissolving the
veen points and
nber of one or
several points.
Therefore we need a dissolving table for saving the relations
between points and edges. Furthermore we store in a kind of
winged-edge data structure preceding and succeeding points.
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