ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS’’, Bangkok, May 23-25, 200t
direction is applicable. The direction is measured according to
this established cardinal direction. (Frank 1992)
3.3 Qualitative Distances
To qualitatively represent distance, we have map distance to
finite number of symbols. This representation should be
Euclidean approximate enough in order to obtain meaningful
result. Therefore, this process is application dependent.
Basically, we may represent distance with two symbols, three
symbols or more. (Frank 1992) The first and most obvious
concept of distance is a set of two symbols for far and close.
Medium could be introduced which leads to a system with
three symbols: close, medium, far. These concepts can be
generalized to create any finite sequence of symbols of
increasing distance symbols. To keep our paper concise, we
only adopt three symbols.
Figure 3. Cone-shaped directions
3.4 Brief Concluding Remarks
We have discussed the most essential qualitative
representations of spatial information upon which we can
employ common data mining methods. Although we only
present three kinds of qualitative representation, our method
does not limit to these representation. Upon different
circumstances, more complex and rich representation could be
From above three kinds of representation, we obtain 19
Topology: disjoint, contains, inside, equal, meet, covers,
coveredBy, overlap
Direction: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest,
west, northwest
Distance: near, medium, far
These predicates could be used to seek spatial association
rules as Koperski did in (koperski 1999). But we won’t stop
here. Comparing these predicates of different time, the
changes could be detected. Then the sequential pattern can
be found among these changes.
According to different domain of application, proper time
interval can be selected. No matter how to incorporate
temporal information into spatial data or what kind of temporal
database is used, we may generate qualitative representation
at different times. The method has been discussed in precious
section. The change is computed in a way of comparing the
difference between consecutive snapshots of the data
As illustrated in figure 1, at time ti and ti+1, the geospatial data
is retrieved and represented in a qualitative way. Then the
qualitatively representations of ti and ti+1 are compared to
detect changes. Once the changes are found, they are
recorded in a table with timestamp for the mining the
sequential pattern from these changes.
For example, a change could be presented as follows.
Changel: near(A, B)~+far(A, B) (time T, Support X) p
It means that at time T, the distance between spatial object A
and B increases greatly. Since we are mining massive dataset
to obtain general pattern, generally A and B refer to a class of
spatial objects. Furthermore, spatial objects could be arranged e
into a hierarchy. By this way, the change could be detected at
multiple levels. We would not cover this topic in this paper.
Support X is the count of this change, which depict how often
this change occurs. Only the patterns whose support exceeds E
given threshold is regarded as interesting and will be
considered in next step.
Once the changes are detected and presented by predicates,
the using WINEPI to discover frequent episode is
straightforward. Those changes correspond to events in
(Mannila, Toivonen et al. 1997). Frequent episodes could be
detected to present that relationship among changes. From
these frequent episodes, we may also derive rules. The Rules
should show the connection between events or changes more
clearly than frequent episodes alone.
For example, changes have been detected following the above
steps. All the changes have associated time of occurrences.
The WINEPI, which is based on the discovery of episodes by
only considering an episode when all its subepisodes are
frequent, and on incremental checking of whether an episode
occurs in a window, could efficiently find the frequent
episodes. Quite similar to rule generation from frequent
itemset, rules could also be generate from frequent episode.
In this paper we present a method to discover sequential
pattern from spatio-temporal data. Some data mining methods
originated from transaction database and constructed from the
perspective of machine learning. Therefore, generally
information has to be represented in a symbolic way for
convenience of automatic reasoning. However, most of
geospatial information is gathered with reference to certain
quantitative coordinate system. To introduce those data mining
methods, geospatial information has to be transformed into to
symbolic representation. Although qualitative spatial
representation has been studied in the field of qualitative
spatial reasoning, this process is not direct. Furthermore,
beside frequent episode, more complex sequential pattern
could be introduced into the field of GIS. Some future research
issues are:
• Symbolic representation of spatio-temporal
information. Although some research of this area has
already been done, it is basically for purpose of spatial
reasoning. A systematical representation does not yet
exist for our purpose.
• Learning qualitative representation from geospatial
dataset efficiently. It is computationally expensive to
infer qualitative representation, especially when
dataset is very huge. Efficient algorithm is needed.
• Incorporate temporal semantics into sequential
pattern. More expressive temporal relations would
make the result more meaningful. (Rainsford 1999)