ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
as well as the health impact assessment from arsenic in the
polluted site.
Ron Phibun is a district at Nakhorn Si Thammarat Province,
which locates on the southern part at peninsular Thailand. This
area was selected as a study area because the arsenic
contamination was the most serious ever reported in Thailand.
Extensive mining of tin and associated minerals has been
done throughout the region for almost 100 years. The
occurrence of keratosis and hyperpigmentation was known for
long time in the region. The skin manifestation of chronic
arsenic poisoning was first highlighted in 1987 in Ron Phibun
district. Clinical survey during 1987-1988 showed that more
than 1,000 people between age from 4 months to 85 years
were affected (Munehiro, et al. 1998). The district situates
between longitude 99°45’-100°00’ E and latitude 8°00’-8°15’ N.
The district is on east side of Ron Na Mountain having
elevation of 70m above mean sea level (Fig. 1). The elevation
Figure 1 : The study area in Nakhorn Si
Thammarat province, Thailand
of surface area is decreased from west to east. The studied
zone was chosen between longitude 99°50’-99°52’E and
latitude 8°10’-8°12’N with total area of 14 km 2 (4X3.5km).
Ten major mining sites, i.e. Yin In Soy, Mai Horn, Sang Son,
Ngan Chan, Saijai, Nan Khaw, Ban Thai, Na Mun Mu, Sang
Sak, Nan Moo, locate on the western hill side of study area at
elevation from 150m to 500m. They are the former tin mining
factories, but closed at present. However, there are large
amounts of mining wastes along each mining location within
that area. 6 waste sites: the foothill concentrator, town
concentrator, reclaimed site 32C and 32L, old and new waste
dumps are still present in this area. All these old mine sites
were carefully identified using an altimeter and GPS. For the
waste dump sites, their locations were also identified on an
edited map.
Water and soil samples from arsenic polluted area were
sampled in dry and rainy season providing that variation of
season on arsenic concentration changes would take into
account. Auger drilling technique was used to take soil and
groundwater sample. The auger stations were at 141m
intervals, 50 stations/km 2 (361 auger holes were drilled). Two
soil samples were collected from each auger well at 30cm
depth and 1m depth. Water samples were collected from the
bottom of each hole wherever water was found.
Total arsenic level in 361 auger water samples was analyzed
by HG-AAS method in ERTC laboratory. 722 soil elution was
used to represent the soil total arsenic situation. 40 rivers
water samples, 5 pond water samples, 102 deep wells and
107 shallow wells were also sampled to measure the total
arsenic level by HG-AAS method. All the sampling sites were
located by GPS.
ArcView version 3.1 program was used for the GIS process,
the steps are as follows:
-Processing of maps
• The digitization of general topography (the map with
scale of 1:2,000 was edited from a well-organized set of
aerial photograph taken in 1995), the distribution of
arsenism patients, surface soil types, mining and waste
• Interpolated map of arsenic level in soil and ground water
following input of locations and arsenic value for each
sample site. The total interpolated area is 8,408,600m 2 .
• Input of location of ponds, river sample sites into the map.
-Input of attributes for each digital theme, including arsenic
values of soil and water for each auger point, deep and
shallow wells.
-Query and analysis between arsenic level and mining sites,
location of patients’ distribution.
The shallow groundwater in study area is the water from the
first aquifer above 10-meter depth. This is the major source of
drinking water for local population. The shallow groundwater
arsenic concentrations were mapped as an interpolated grid
surface to create a visual representation of the concentration
gradients throughout the study area. The interpolation was
performed on the groundwater arsenic concentration point
theme. The interpolated grid map was adjusted to represent
hot spots above the current 50 ppb limit for arsenic. The area
with arsenic level higher than 50 ppb is 6,080,450m 2 that
occupies 72.31% of the total interpolated. On the other hand,
the area with arsenic level lower than 50 ppb is 2,328,150 m 2 ,
stands for 27.69%. This showed the contamination situation in
shallow groundwater was very severe. The mean value of total
arsenic was 0.53 ppm, 10.6 times higher than limit. These
maps also showed the highest arsenic zone with the highest
value 64 ppm. (Fig. 2)
The map in Fig. 2 shows the hot spots to be mostly in the
vicinity of 6 waste dump sites. The region with the largest hot
spot is the western part of study area where huge amount of
mining waste was disposed along the river bank, the site of
foothill concentrator. This indicates obviously that all these
mining and dump waste location may be the pollution source in
this area. In order to testify the relationship between the mining
waste sites and arsenic level in shallow groundwater, a
correlation test shows that the farther the shallow groundwater
sample to mining and waste site, the lower the arsenic
concentration in groundwater (R=-0.827, P<0.01, Table 1).