Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, "Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
With the development of information technology and 
GIS/LIS, we have more powerful tools and good solutions for 
the establishment of the LMIS. The trends of GIS/LIS and 
software development can be summarized as following. 
• The GIS based on the spatial DBMS make it 
possible that spatial data and attribute data can be 
combined seamlessly. And all the spatial data, 
attribute data and raster images can be stored in 
only one central database without map files, that 
make database maintenance easy, safe and 
simple. These types of DBMSs include Oracle 8i, 
Informix and many others. 
• Component GIS totally changes the 
implementation methodologies of geographic 
information systems. Users can purchase the GIS 
components but whole GIS platform from different 
venders of GIS to implement their own systems. It 
makes the systems much more powerful and 
flexible. And if users want to update their systems 
they only need to replace some of the GIS 
companies and privates could be registered to 
operate the databases. And the spatial and 
attribute data can be issued on the 
Internet/Intranet as well. 
Open GIS make it possible that multi-resources of 
data can be integrated into one system. The spatial 
data, image data and attribute data can be stored 
in the same DBMS that supports different GIS 
platforms. So different GIS software could share 
data/information from the same database. 
Most of the implementation of a system is related 
to DBMS, but not considering the GIS platforms. 
So the cost of software development can be 
decreased, and maintenance of the system 
becomes easer. 
The technologies of Web GIS are more and more 
reliable and stable. Many software packages of 
Web GIS can be used such as Geomedia Web 
Map from Integraph, MapXtreme from Maplnfo, 
Internet Map Server from ESRI, Map Guide from 
Autodesk, and so on. 
the governments 
Figure 2: The LMIS at County level

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