Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
While a LMIS is designed and implemented, the data 
(spatial and attribute) flow and workflow must be firstly studied 
(Rough 1997). Then the component GIS, Web GIS technology, 
GIS platforms, as well as the spatial DBMS should be deeply 
researched. The logic model and the strategies of the 
development of the LMIS should also be formulated. All the 
subsystems of the LMIS and their functions and the whole land 
management computer networks should be designed carefully. 
In addition the following factors should be considered while a 
LMIS is designed and developed. 
(1) The methods of the integration between GIS and MIS 
should be researched so that the LMIS has the 
abilities of office automation (OA), spatial data 
processing and management. 
(2) In terms of the characteristics that land information 
changes rapidly, the ways and mechanisms to 
update the spatial or mapping data and the related 
attribute data of LMIS should be given. So that the 
LMIS always has the up-to-date data/information, 
and the ways to query the historic data/information. 
(3) According to the relationship and workflow of the 
departments of the bureau of land management, the 
levels and rights of the operators or users should be 
given to assure the system to run safely and 
(4) The methods to connect the LMIS on Intranet/ 
Internet should be researched, so that the publics 
and other departments can query the 
data/information of land management. And it is the 
basis for the land registration, land exchange, 
information transfer and remote office on the Internet. 
(5) The strategy to develop the LMIS is to develop the 
low level LMIS first, then to the higher level. The 
qualities and integration of the spatial and attribute 
data should be controlled. 
(6) The national, provincial, local and industry standards, 
as well as the coding and classification should be 
executed. So that the data transformation and 
sharing can be successfully and smoothly finished. 
On the basis of the above analysis and discussion, the 
structures of the LMIS we designed for the county and city level 
is shown in Figure 3. 
Land use 
Land use 
Figure 3: The LMIS based on the MapXtreme and Oracle 8i

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