ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Muiti-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
The development of the land management information
system (LMIS) based on the Web GIS, spatial database and
Intranet/Internet is in the trial stage in China. One the hand, due
to the lack of the mature technology and successful
experiences, few of LMISs that used Web GIS and spatial
database technologies have been successfully developed and
implemented yet in provincial and county level. On the other
hand, along with the socio-economic development of China,
most of the provincial and local governments have the urgent
needs for the establishment of LMISs.
To promote the development and application of the LMIS in
China, the methodology, structures and the key technologies of
LMIS should be researched. And in association with developing
LMIS, it appears fair to say that the research program has also
contributed to improvements in the functions of GIS/US and
DBMS, the progress of computer, information, Web GIS and
land management science, as well as to the development of
land administration policies and procedures in China. It is
therefore expected that LMIS will continue to be developed and
implemented, since it is likely that local, provincial and
ultimately national land management information system
networks must be established in China to manage the country’s
land resources and realize the office automation.
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4. Zhao, Junsan and W.Barry.1999. Development of
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5. Zhao, Junsan and W.Barry.1998. Using GIS for
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6. Zhao, Junsan. 1995. “Study of the Automatic System
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7. Zhao, Junsan, Zhao Yaolong, Fuqun Zhou. 1999.
The Methods of Topology Building and Parcel
Updating in Land Information System, Towards
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8. Zhao, Junsan and Zhao Yaolong. 1999. Spatial Data
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