ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
From figure 9, we can see that distance distortion of QTM cells
dilations is not only related to distance, but also related to
location. The distortions change differently by dilation increasing
when the origin objects in different location.
• Distance distortion between great circle distance and QTM
cells distance change little when the object is located at or
near corner triangles (as points 2, 3 and 4 in Fig.9);
• Distance distortion is an almost linear function of distance
( 1 ) raster in planar ( 2 ) left-corner triangle
itself when the object is located at or near triangles in
midpoint of edges (as points 5, 6 and 7).
• If the objects are located in or near the center of the octant
triangle, the distortion increases when the distance
increases. But when the dilation covers half globe,
distortion decreases when the distance increases, and
reduces to zero at in the end (as points 8 in Fig.9).
( 3 ) right corner triangle
( 4 ) top comer triangle
Fig.9 Distance distortion of QTM cells dilations in different location
Voronoi diagram data structure becomes an efficient tool to
solve global GIS dynamic data model by its dynamic stability.
Hierarchical expression of spherical QTM presents a method
of data generalization to deal with large quantity of data. In this
paper, Voronoi generating algorithms is presented by recursive
dilation of spherical objects and calculated program is
developed in platform OpenGL with VC +t language. An
analysis of experiment results and errors are made, and
conclusion are as followings:
1) QTM-based method for generating Voronoi diagram of
spherical objects has simple concepts and easily
extent. Voronoi diagram for arcs and area sets can
also be constructed as easily as for point sets.
2) Data of spherical objects expressed by QTM address
code have hierarchical quadtree structure, and suitable
to solve the problem of multi-hierarchical
generalization of large quantity of spherical data.
3) Consume of time and space of algorithms is direct
proportion to partition levels, and the quantity of data
can be controlled by the size of pixel. Error of
generating Voronoi diagram is related to location of
sets, and has no relation to the distances.
The National Science Foundation of China under grant No.
69833010 supported this research.
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