Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, "Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
information which make up of the environment information. The the spatial information of region by some scale map. It is too sp 
content of the spatial information contains Geodetic control difficult to select multi-scale spatial information in paper map for Th 
database, Orthoimagery database, Elevation model database spatial DSS. It is possible for leader to obtain multi-scale spatial how t 
and digital map database. The content of the thematic information for spatial DSS by establishing some scale map transfo 
information contains politics factor, economic condition, society database and using multi-scale selection technology of spatial integra 
environment, nationality and culture nature, weather condition, information. characl 
communication equipment, troop information, traffic status, With development of computer technology and new characl 
science and education, medical treatment etc. The content of the demands to be provided by users, some spatial databases cann’t researc 
temporal information contains time information that is combined meet the needs of the digital earth development, the spatial data integra 
with the spatial information and the thematic information. integration and the spatial DSS. People try to process data in the 
spatial database in order to form an environment of 2.1.3 F 
1.3.2 the data characters to determine spatial DSS subject-oriented, integration-oriented, generalization-oriented, s 
Spatial DSS is based on the spatial information, the thematic dynamic integration-oriented, temporal-oriented, Ac 
information and the temporal information. It is impossible to multi-scale-oriented, analysis -oriented. Until metaphase of informi 
determine spatial DSS with traditional databases. In condition of ninety ages, the theory and technology of the spatial data researc 
high technology, there are five abilities for spatial DSS. They are warehouse begins to come into being. Based on the spatial spatial 
described below: database, the thematic database and other data files which come conteni 
(D Data integration from different units, different mediums and different structure, the mode, 
The data sets to be integrated are needed for spatial DSS. main aim in this paper is to provide an structure environment of of spat 
Not only the spatial DSS needs the spatial data sets, but also the subject-oriented, integration-oriented, generalization-oriented, 
spatial DSS should own to the thematic data sets and the dynamic integration-oriented, temporal-oriented, 2.1.4 R 
temporal data sets. The traditional databases are not provided multi-scale-oriented, analysis -oriented for the digital earth Ac 
with the capability of data integration for the spatial data sets, the development, the spatial data integration and the spatial DSS by informs 
thematic data sets and the temporal data sets. the theory and technology of the spatial data warehouse and the analyze 
© Data generalization network technology of Internet/Intranet. themat 
Spatial DSS needs a lot of data sets to be generalized. analysi 
Before spatial DSS is operated, a number of detail data sets must 2 Description of the framework analysi 
be generalized into outline data sets. It is impossible for the 2.1 the organizational content analysi 
traditional databases to generalize the spatial data sets and the The spatial data warehouse is divided into five parts that are 
thematic data sets. described below: 2.1.5 R 
® Data dynamic integration • the framework of spatial data Its 
After data integration, if the data sets that happen to change • the aggregation of spatial data data ac 
cann t connect with people, spatial DSS shall be based on old • the management of spatial data warehouse feature 
data sets in order to make an error determination for spatial DSS. • the selection of multi-scale spatial data an d to' 
It is impossible for the traditional databases to dynamically • the analysis of spatial data 
integrate the spatial data sets and the thematic data sets. 2.2 the 
® Temporal data 2.1.1 Research and establishment for the framework of Th 
It is an important for spatial DSS to own a lot of the temporal spatial data compo: 
spatial data sets and thematic data sets. In traditional databases, The framework of spatial data consists of the spatial data the har 
a lot of the temporal data sets cann’t be saved. and the thematic data and provides an interface keyword to query with Fi< 
® Multi-scale spatial data the spatial data and the thematic data. The research contents in 
The topographical environment of spatial DSS is based on the framework of spatial data are to obtain and manage the 
multi-scale spatial information so that leader acquaints him with spatial data and to obtain and manage the thematic data, 
information of topographical environment in area from 
macroscopic state to microcosmic state. The paper map provides 2.1.2 Research and establishment for the aggregation of

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