Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS , Bangkok, May 23 25, 20CM 
ISPRS, Vol.34, P 
Fig. 5 Slope of the study area 
Our study demonstrates the feasibility and utility of interfacing 
terrain-analysis technique with existing pesticides losses runoff 
models. By using the capabilities of terrain analysis in modeling 
processes directly impacted by terrain characteristics, a more 
realistic description of these processes is possible. When 
working with processes that must consider such properties as 
flow direction and contributing area, as is the case with 
hydrologic and soil erosion models, quick, accurate 
representation of the terrain is especially important. As 
computer capabilities continue to improve, terrain analysis 
undoubtedly will play an increasing role in hydrologic and water 
quality modeling for pesticides losses control. 
At present, we are working on the further analysis of hydrologic 
characteristics by the G IS and remote sensing techniques. New 
4m spatial resolution IKONOS multispectral images will be 
used to extract thematic information, while 1m resolution 
IKONOS panchromatic images to generated DEMs. Particularly, 
some index or parameters of the soil used in the pesticides 
losses runoff model can be derived by automated classification 
of IKONOS multispectral imagery. Future investigations in this 
project include: 
• Adding vegetation analysis, such as crops and 
forests, to the pesticides model for considering the 
canopy effects on the pesticides losses; 
• Developing new algorithm for high accuracy of DEM 
interpolation, or modify the existed algorithm to well 
suit for the pesticides control system; 
• Data connection with the pesticides losses runoff 
model and terrain analysis of the GIS and remote 
• Enhancing the display function of the GIS and remote 
This paper has 
analysis method 
pesticides losses 
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shapes, and up 
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Further studies ; 
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the use of the 
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parameters of th 
Adamus C.L, Be 
Pollution L 
Baillard C., Diss 
Urban Die 
Baillard C., Diss 
and Textun 
Stereo Pai 
Cialella A.T., Di 

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