ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001
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PRS Working
Groups and IGU Study Group on Geographical Information.
This workshop has become the milestone of dynamic and
multi-dimensional GIS. The series of workshop on dynamic
and multi-dimensional GIS has been continued and the second
workshop was organised in Beijing two years later by Prof. Jun
Chen of the National Geomatics Center of China (Chen et. al.
1999). This Workshop in Bangkok, organised by XY Chen, is
the third of its series. It is expected that the 4 lh will be held in
year 2003.
Apart from the series of International Workshop on Dynamic
and Multi-dimensional GIS, many other conferences related to
dynamic and multi-dimensional GIS have been held in recent
years, e.g.
• the International Workshop on “Urban Multi-
media/3D Mapping” held in Tokyo, Japan, in 1997,
1999 and 2001;
• International Conference on ‘Theoretical and
Practical Aspects of Surface Reconstruction and 3D
Object Extraction” held in Haifa, Isral, 1997;
• International Conference on “3D Reconstruction and
Modeling of Topographic Objects” held in Stuttgart,
Germany, 1997;
• A Varenious workshop on Cognitive Models of
Dynamic Geographic Phenomena and their
representation, held in Pittsburgh, USA, 1998;
• International Conference on “3D Geospatial Data
Production: Meeting Application Requirements” held
in Paris, France, 1999;
• International Symposium on the Digital Earth, held
in November 1999 in Beijing.
• 9 lh International Symposium on Spatial Data
Handling held in Beijing in August 2000.
• First International Conference in Geographic
Information Science in 2000 in USA.
Apart from the efforts from computing science, geography and
other disciplines, the International Society for Photogrammetry
and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) has in 1996 changed its
Commission IV from "Mapping" to "GIS and Mapping". A
number of Working Groups in Commissions II and IV have
something to do with Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS.
Since 1997, more publication on Dynamic and Multi
dimensional GIS are noticeable. Two special issues on this
topic have been published. One was published by ISPRS
Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. This was
edited by Y.C. Lee and Martien Molenaar. A collection of
papers from the first International Workshop on Dynamic and
Multi-dimensional GIS (Lee and Li, 1997) and the Symposium
of ISPRS Commission IV which was organised in September
1998 in Stuttgart by Dieter Fritsch of Stuttgart University
(Fritsch, 1998). The other issue was published by
Geolnformatica. This issue was prepared by Zhilin Li. A
collection of papers from the 2 nd International Workshop on
Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS (Chen et al., 1999).
Indeed, Geolnformatica has published a number of important
articles in this topic.
Dynamic and multi-dimensional GIS, in fact, means non-
traditional GIS. Therefore, there is a lot of work to be done
before such systems come into reality.
• Dynamic and/or spatio-temporal
Data acquisition: real-time, kinermatic, updating,
Data: models, structure, database, retrieval, query
Process modelling: spatio-temporal process modelling,
dynamic objects, dynamic process
Visualisation: internet-based, spatio-temporal, dynamic
Specification and organization of 4D spatio-temporal
Automated change detection/modelling
4D Spatio-temporal information visualization
• Scale
Multi-scale database: representation and integration
Map generalisation