Full text: Mapping without the sun

convictive evidence observed in com field is that, NDVI almost until VWC greater than 5 Kg/m“. This is quick consistent with 
saturates when VWC is 3-4Kg/m 2 , but NDWI don’t saturate the result of T.J.Jackson 3 [4] and Chen [5] . 
Fig.l The comparison of VWC estimation by NDVI and NDWI. Top-Left: NDVI used for soybean; Top-Right: NDWI used for 
soybean; Bottom-Left: NDVI used for com; Bottom-Right: NDWI used for com. 
In the presence of a vegetation layer, the direct backscattering 
contribution of the ground surface is / 2 (0)a ( '(0) , where 
flB) is the two-way transmissivity of the vegetation layer, 
/ 2 (^) = exp(-2rsec^) (1) 
And t is its optical thickness. For a certain vegetation type and 
frequency, optical depth is usually directly related to the 
vegetation water content (Kg/m 2 ). Jackson and 0’Neill [6] 
reported the following linear relationship between r and VWC : 
T = b- VWC (2) 
A series of field campaigns have been reported in the literature 
which focussed on the determination of b for various canopies 
at different frequencies. Adriaan A. Van de Griend et.al [r| 
collected all data available from literature and set up functions 
between b and wavelength A for different kind of canopies. 
For soybean field, the relation is : 
log 10 b = 0.274 - 0.842 log 10 A (3) 
For com field, the function is: 
Combining with the VWC from last section, transmissivity of 
the vegetation layer can be obtained. 
When vegetation layer is present, a solution via the radiative 
transfer approach can simplify to three: a term representing the 
diffuse scattering contribution by the vegetation volume, a 
second term representing the diffuse surface-volume interaction 
contribution, and a third representing the direct surface 
backscattering contribution, including two-way attenuation. 
= a°,(0)+y\8)<jI(0)+a°„(8) (5) 
Where the subscripts t, v, s and sv denote total, volume, surface, 
and surface-volume contribution, respectively. Because cr° (Û) 
is observed in experiment, to get cr°(#)> er 0 (#) and cr° sv (0) 
must be removed from cr, 0 (#) after f(g) has been obtained 
from optical resource (Section 3, from NDWI). 
Volume Contribution 
The volume term has a complex scattering mechanism for it’s 
influenced not only by incidence angle, wavelength, and 
polarization etc. configuration parameters, but also by 
properties of vegetation, such as construction, direction 
preference and VWC etc. Nowadays, it has been realized that 
log 10 b = -0.374 - 0.409 log 10 A

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