curacies by a boosted
demonstrate that the
; balanced (Table 4).
6% and 93.2% for the
the SVM Fusion vary
i results underlines the
d the complementary
ind the multispectral
g maps seem more
for critical classes are
i performance of the
f the highway in the
gnized in the TM data,
sor approach.
iifferent data sets
data sets, containing
imagery has been
training and further
her parametric and
tes including a
We assume the reason for the success of the presented fusion
concept to be the different nature of the data sources. The
different imagery provides diverse information that seem not
equally reliable. Regarding the experimental results it seems
more adequate to define the kernel functions for each data
source individually, instead of using one specific kernel
function on the full data set. Furthermore the pre-classification
by the first SVM can be assumed as class-specific data
transformation. The imagery is transformed into a new feature
space that consists of distance values of the individual SVM
rule images. These values seem better comparable than the
original imagery and each binary rule image is more adequate
to describe the interclass differences.
Moreover it has been shown that SVM outperforms other
classifiers in term of accuracies when classifying single source
data sets. Hence it can be assumed that a modification of the
proposed classification framework could further increase the
classifier performances. In this context the prior image
segmentation and use of multilevel classification concepts
would be worth investigatation. Furthermore the impact of an
increased multispectral time series seems interesting.
Generally, the results clearly demonstrate that a combination of
multitemporal SAR data and multispectral imagery is
worthwhile. Here, the classification accuracy is significantly
increased by such a multisensor data set, irrespective of the
applied classifier algorithms. Thus the development of adequate
approaches for classifying multisensor imagery will be an
ongoing research topic in remote sensing.
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