Full text: Mapping without the sun

Table 1 the SS and test result for each ground object type 
As shown in the Table 1, the fusion image of airborne SAR and 
multi-spectral SPOT5 has a better-recognized capability for the 
types of trees, land use, and road, with an obvious 
improvement in the fusion image than the original images. On 
the contrary, for the types of water and buildings, there is no 
better enhancement effect than the original images. And 
meanwhile, the CFQ value is close to 1, implying that the 
fusion image has got a good effect synthetically, adapt to 
recognize many types of ground objects for human visual 
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In this paper, a comprehensive fusion image quality evaluation 
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the original images, high-resolution airborne SAR and SPOT5 
data, some types of ground objects are easily to be recognized 
in the fusion image, such as trees, land use and road according 
to the test result, and some other types can only have a weak 
function for human visual system. That is to say, different 
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