Full text: Mapping without the sun

(3) Browse image of image data. Enlarge, narrow and roam 
the image in the light of infinitely variable map scale. 
(4) Query image database. Query and browse the image data 
directly, query the map index and query placename. 
(5) Image data updates. Its way is same as the way of input 
image data basic. 
(6) Establishment a placename database. It achieves to 
demand the point, line, facial features objects on the 
ground,and obtain to position the image data fleetly and 
4.2 The basic processes of establishing image database 
Fig5. The basic processes of establishing image database 
4.3 System Example of image database 
Figure6 shows the user logged in the database where the image 
of Oracle Database examples 
Figure7 shows image data table by the prearrange block size 
and maps names of being about to enter the database(the table 
name of block). Figure 8, 9,10 shows the city examples of 
multi-resolution radio images pyramid. The whole image 
pyramid is composed of 1:10000, 1:5000 and 1:2000 scale 
image data. 
Fig 6.Interface of user login 
From 1:10000 scale image data, we can see a certain region’s 
location in the city. From 1 : 5000 scale image data, we can see 
a regional overview in the city. From 1 :2000 scale image 
data , we can see the specific features of a region in the city. If 
we further magnify it , users can view the concerned 
information. Figure 11 and Figure 12 are the attributes of space 
objectives which is based on placenames in the database. It can 
locate image data fleetly and accurately. 
Fig 7.Interface of inputting image data block 
Fig 8. 1:10000 (5 meter resolution radio) Quick Bird remote 
sensing Image Database 
Fig 9. 1:5000 (2.5 meter resolution radio) Quick Bird remote 
sensing Image Database 
Fig 10. 1:2000 (0.6 meter resolution radio) Quick Bird remote 
sensing Image Database

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