ISPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI (4/W6), Oct.14-16, Hangzhou, China
sequence is nearly level and the others in the sequences with
oblique photography are oblique. Three flying routes are shown
in Figure 1.
Because image pixels outside the near-nadir area cannot be
accurately correlated with the laser points, traditional film
cameras are impractical for the collection of imagery for this
application. Medium format digital camera system is ideal for
this treatment of LIDAR data. The longer focal length and
smaller field of view virtually matches the swath width of the
laser system allowing the proper alignment of laser data and
3.2 Laser Scanner
Airborne laser-scanning has become a viable technique for the
surveying data during the past few years. As an active technique,
it delivers reliable height data without requirements to surface
reflectance variations. The inherent 3-D nature of laser
scanning data saves time consuming and reduce potentially
erroneous matching techniques and yields a high potential for
real time application if laser ranger data can be fused with
GPS/INS data onboard in aircraft.
Figure 2. LIDAR point cloud with RGB, perspective view
3.3 Registration Between LIDAR And Images
Traditional aerial photographs overlapped about 60 percent in a
strip. While image sequences taken with digital camera has the
advantages of high overlapping and redundancy of
corresponding features, which has a well potential for automatic
3D reconstruction.
Automatic aerial triangulation technique can be adopted to
acquire initial values of camera parameters, linear features were
used for pose estimation. Many conjugate lines are
automatically generated by extraction of linear primitives from
images and laser data. The exterior orientation parameters of the
images are calculated based on the theory and the arithmetic of
the line photogrammetry , in which the conjugate lines are used
as the observation values. The coplanar condition was used as
error equation to resolve the external orientation parameter of
digital image.
3.4 Preprocess in Multi-Spectrum
The precise calibration and alignment of these two subsystems
make it possible for the software to integrated LIDAR and
Color / CIR digital camera systems.
Multispectral pixels to be photogrammetrically associated with
individual X,Y,Z values. The imagery is not overlapped to the
surface, rather each laser return is mathematically projected
through collinearity equations onto its proper position on the
taking into consideration the camera model, each surface point
possesses an accurate spectral signature assigned to its location,
allowing accurate classification of features using conventional
remote sensing techniques.
Figure 3. Multi spectrum of integration system: Color , CIR,
Elevation and Intensity (Data provided by TopoSys)
In the segmentation, we compute an approximation of the
topographic surface by mathematical morphological
filtering .To reduce noise caused by small objects such as
antennae or chimneys on roofs ,the median filter was used . To
Separate the building from other blobs ,such as trees ,
classification can be processed by combined multispectral
3.5 Multi-View Feature Matching
Linear features were extracted in the digital camera image . We
are interested in 3D straight lines because they are prominent in
most man-made environments, and usually correspond to
objects of interest in images, such as buildings and road
segments.3D position could be calculate by intersection of
homogeneous lines .We utilization of three views to
compromise between complexity and quality of the results.
Trifocal constraint are imposed to get exactly right match result.
Figure 4. Trifocal geometry.
3.6 Model Construction
The initial knowledge database is established by the information
extracted from existing geographic data .Colour cues, expressed