ISPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI(4/W6), Oct.14-16, Hangzhou, China
Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT) Nonoichi-machi Ishikawa 921-8501, JAPAN
E-mail:, al23351
Key Words: REAL TIME GIS, GIS, GPS, RTK-GPS, VRS-GPS, Remote Sensing, Large Scale Map
Much local government has been using large scale digital maps with Geographic Information System (GIS). However, the updating
method of a map is not established yet. The purpose of this study is the real-time renewal of the digital map for local government by
Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS). REAL TIME GIS is the system for real-time updating at the field site by using
RTK-GPS, GIS and cellular phone. First, change of the city is easily found that the Remote Sensing imageries are able to overlay
with digital map by using GIS. Next, position of changed area was measured by RTK-GPS. But, RTK-GPS data did not correspond
with digital maps because of different geodetic system. It is necessary to transform digital maps of an old geodetic system to new
ones. In order to transform map coordinate, the parameters were calculated using Affine Transformation. In this paper, these
parameters were named “High-Accuracy Regional Parameter (HARP)”. Actual experiment was performed at two places in the
narrow area at Kanazawa district in Japan. It was verified how far there are differences between BaseMap (BM) and RTK-GPS
measuring data. As a result, the difference was 5~10cm at longitude and 30 cm at latitude. The differences at longitude are allowed in
large scale digital map. It is suggested that the process of REAL TIME GIS and HARP should be introduced to the work of local
detail. The changed area is surveyed by using RTK-GPS. RTK-
Much local government has been utilizing the Base Map (BM) GPS is able to survey absolute position with high accuracy.
facilities. GIS will be able to work efficiently and to reduce phone and RTK-GPS. On the study, system was defined as the
mapping costs. Furthermore, by sharing the data with their REAL TIME GIS, i.e., collaboration of Remote Sensing, GPS
position in local government, it is possible to improve the and GIS is most important point,
service to a citizen. However, the maintenance and renewal of a
of a map is not established yet, and there are very few April 1, 2002. Ellipsoid of new geodetic system of Japan is
successful examples. The purpose of this study is establishment almost equal WGS-84 of GPS. However, most of the digital
collaboration of REAR TIME GIS and spatial data. In this study, spatial data means Remote Sensing imageries and Real-time
GIS, it is possible to find the changed houses at urban area in
by GIS in order to support urban planning and management of Simultaneous update of digital map is possible using cellular
map database need much labor and time. The updating method Japan adopted new general standard for a map geometry since
to update of the large scale map for local government using
Remote Sensing, GPS and GIS.
map of local government is still Tokyo Datum of old geodetic
system. In order to correspond with two kinds of data which
have different geodetic system, it is necessary to transform
In this paper, Remote Sensing means high-resolution satellite
imageries (HRSI). By overlapping HRSI and digital map with
Field sites
GIS server
Renewal of the map can be
completed very quickly.
Figure 1. Concept of “REAL TIME GIS'