ISPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI(4/W6), Oct. 14-16, Hangzhou, China
Similar to White [8], we conceive of the surfaces of the
octahedron and icosahedron as composed of pairs of the
adjacent (south and north) triangles, or diamonds, that tessellate,
or cover the surface, so the octahedron has four base diamonds
(we also refer to it as quadrant). The octahedron that made up
by four diamonds is a coarsest approximation to the surface of
the earth.
Each triangle in the octahedron can be divided into four smaller
equilateral triangles by breaking each edge into 2 pieces and
connecting the break points with lines, which is referred to as
QTM(quatemary triangular mesh)subdivision. Recursively
subdividing the triangles thus obtained in the same manner
yields QTM (figure 2); like the quadtree subdivision of the
square, each quadrant (base diamond) in the octahedron can be
divided into four smaller diamonds (figure 2). These two kinds
of subdivision are essentially the same, so the QTM can be
regarded as diamond meshes. The surface of the earth can be
represented as a quadtree that the root (corresponding to the
surface of the earth) has four children node (four base
diamonds), and the internal node has four children node.
It must be illustrated that the diamonds on the polyhedron are
bent, and the four points that form the diamond are not in one
plane, but for data structure they can be considered entire.
Similar to the square meshes, the geometric structure of
diamonds meshes is much more simpler than that of triangular
mesh. Unlike the triangular mesh (has up and down triangle), it
has uniform orientation, thus make the spatial operation
especially neighbor finding easier.
Figure 2. QTM and the diamond tessellation at the third level
The surface of the earth can be represented as a linear quadtree
that there need only the location of leaves to be registered in the
storage process. The leaves can be labeled according to the Z
spacefilling curve (figure 4). Each diamond is assigned a
quadcode D and Morton codes M. The code of a diamond L can
be represented as DM, where D is the quadcode of the quadrant,
and M is the Morton codes of the diamond in the same quadrant.
The quadrant is assigned a numerical label 0,1,2 or 3 (The
quadcode D) according its location on the surface of the earth. It
is illustrated as follows:
D=0> 90°> A >0°
D= 1, 180°> A >90°
D= 2 , 270°> X >180°
D= 3, 360°> 2 >270°
+ 180°
Figure 3. The coding of four base diamonds
Morton codes are used to label the different diamond produced
by the subdivision within the same quadrant. It has two kinds of
form: quaternary Morton code and decimal Morton code.
Each diamond will be substituted by four smaller diamonds
when performs subdivision. These four newly produced
diamonds can be labeled respectively through adding a
additional digit 0, 1, 2 and 3 according to their location (left,
down, up and right) in the parent diamond (figure 4). Thus, the
Morton code of a diamond consists of a sequence of numbers
(0,l,2or3), where the length of the sequence represents the
partition level of the base diamonds (quadrant). Each digital of
the Morton code is the Arabic digital no larger than 3.
Figure 4. The Morton code and Z space filling curve of
It is easy to determining the Morton codes of either the sons or
the parent of a diamonds according to the properties of the
Morton codes. The sons of a diamond are determined by
appending the digits 0,1,2 and 3 at the end of the Morton codes,
and the address of the parent of a diamond is obtained by
simply discarding the trailing quaternary digit.
In order to determine adjacent neighbors of the diamond, firstly
we must take the conversions between the Morton codes and
row/column number of the diamond. The conversion algorithm
between the Morton codes and row/column number of the
diamond are introduced in detail in paper [11]. Figure 5 show
the correlation between them.