Full text: ISPRS Hangzhou 2005 Workshop Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure

1SPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI(4/W6), Oct.14-16, Hangzhou,China 
2.3 Attentive Problems of ESD 
Evidence reality means impersonal existence, that is self- 
existent impersonal reality, which is not transferred by the 
human will. The things to be picked-up, fixed up, preserved is 
self-existent impersonal reality, no subjective suppose and 
The design and development of a GIS system is very 
complicated, the core issue is the design of the database 
according to the system structure. Including the design of 
spatial database, the design of attribute database, the 
relationship between attribute database and spatial database, 
user interface, gallery management, etc. The system was 
developed by the ComGIS (Liu, 2003). 
3.1 Spatial Database 
3.1.1 Spatial Data Obtaining: Beijing has many kinds of 
RS image resources. The 1/2000 aerial orthographic image has 
0.2m resolutions, in focus and readability, visualizing and 
intuitional, content richness, easy to buy and low price. So it is 
the best data source for obtaining spatial data. The aerial RS 
image based spatial data obtaining is fulfilled by the ERDAS 
imagine, and formed three types of file, .shp, .dbf, and .shx. The 
digital CAD plan map need to be load into ArcGIS to change its 
format and then it can be used by real estate GIS. The map of 
land use classification has to be converted into vector. 
3.1.2 Design of Spatial Database: GIS adopts layer to 
organize and manage spatial data, according to different map 
elements divide the map into different layers, they were 
superposed together on the screen when the map was displayed, 
so you feel just look like a map, this is the basic idea of map 
layers. One layer is corresponding to a database table of one 
figure object. The principle of dividing layers is completely 
independent of idiographic application module. According to 
point, line and face, all the elements on the map should be 
divided into seven layers. Every layer should be strictly coded 
according to the information classification coding system, and 
the points, the lines, the faces should be belong to different 
layers. According to the existence spatial data sources, the 
spatial database includes the following layers. 
Layer 1 
Background 1 
Boundary 1 
Layout 1 
Dismantle 1 
Table 1. Spatial data layer table 
For the spatial data, the system manages them with Shape file 
format. Shape file format data is a kind of vector data with no 
topological relations and puts up as the form of map, it is made 
up of the follow three files: the .shp file including geographic 
spatial information, the .dbf file including attribute information, 
and the .shx file including the index relations of the two file. 
The three-file names must accord with identical together and 
store at the same directory. Some of the corresponding spatial 
data file as follows. 
Layer name 
Data file 
Layer name 
Data file 
Land usel.shp 
Boundary 1 
Bound 1.dbf 
Land usel 
Land usel.dbf 
Bound 1.shx 
Land usel.shx 
Dismantle 1 
Layout 1 
Lay out 1. shp 
Lay out 1. dbf 
Lay out 1. shx 
Roadl. shp 
Dismantle 1.shp 
Dismantle 1 
Dismantle 1.dbf 
Road 1 .shx 
Dismantle 1.shx 
Table 2. Spatial data file table 
3.2 Attribute Database 
3.2.1 Attribute Data Obtaining: This work is very hard. 
You must harmonize relations between departments and 
governments. The attribute data include: land code, land use, 
land area, land user, house quality class, doorplate number, area 
expiation value, family member, householder, etc. 
3.2.2 Design of Attribute Database: The dismantling area 
attribute data are mainly organized by the Microsoft Access 
2000, Access is a relation database management system 
(RDBMMS), it adopts table to organize the attribute data, all 
the tables were put in a database file, which is easy to manage. 
Microsoft Jet database engine that Visual Basic adopts is the 
same with Access 2000, it is easy to call on Access database. 
For considering the relations with spatial database, the tables 
should be set up based on the layers, mainly including: land 
information table, building information table, dismantling 
information table, road information table, etc. Some of them 
were shown as follows.

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