Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

Table 1 
-State workcobjective'blearly and 
the space involved. 
-Verify objective compatibility 
with size of the geomorphic unit. 
-State work objective clearly and 
the space involved. 
-Verify objective compatibility 
with size of geomorphic subunits. 
-Compile available information about — 
w topography,vegetation,climate,soils, 
h space organization,etc. of similar 
o perception level. 
o-Use and documents selection:sate 
llite imagery,reduced photomosaics 
and photoindexes. 
-Information evaluation,emphasizing 
specific correlations between mo 
dels (patterns) , and changes in li 
mits and their transitions. 
-Try a global primary correlation; 
verify correlations. 
-With all the information(documents) 1 
try to find control parameters, cli 
matic, geodynamics and anthropic. 
-Detection of regional breaks of slo^ - 
pe(neat and transitional limits)and 
of anthropic models(zones) breaks. 
-With available information try to 
find cohesion factors of each zone. 
-Execute drainage net and surface 
runoff system analysis(former points 
correlation)and limits adjustments. 
-Execute .soils and vegetation analy- - 
sis on the base of tone and texture 
variations; correlation with former 
-Execute anthropic models analysis 
verify its correlation with former 
-Study interference degree of sys 
tems and subsystems. 
-Study how the system runs. 
Compile available information 
about topography,vegetation,climatr 
te, soils,space organization,etc. 
of similar perception level inclu 
ding important field work data. 
Use and documents selection:medium 
scale airphotos,enlarged satellite 
imagery.Stereoscopy is important. 
■Information evaluation,emphasizing 
particular aspects of models and 
nets(natural and anthropic).Spe 
cial care in causes study. 
■Perform intrinsic correlation and 
also with the other two perception 
levels.Correlation with field work 
data in first approximation. 
-State work objective clearly and 
the space involved. 
-Verify objective compatibility with 
forms and processes that can be per 
ceived in the image. 
-Compile available information about 
space organization, etc. of similar 
perception level including very im 
portant field work data. 
-Use and documents selection :large 
scale airphotos.Relief study and 
stereoscopy are indispensable. 
-Information evaluation,supported by 
photointerpretation highly speciali 
zed, strong correlation with field 
work data;processes study emphasis. 
-Perform intrinsic correlation and 
also with superior perception le 
vels . 
■with all the information try to 
know geomorphic subsystems and its 
dynamics;first correlations. 
■Execute models detailed analysis; 
correlation with constituent ele 
ments and processes also. 
■Execute paleoforms and paleomodels 
detailed study. 
■Execute correlation study between 
models of analyzed subsystems, in 
cluding paleosystems. 
•Execute analysis of anomalies and 
lacks of correlation between models; 
determine structural(organization) 
and functional causes. 
■Execute dynamic approach and ten 
dency study. 
-Wîth all the information try to 
know processes and tendencies. 
-Execute models detailed analysis; 
correlation with processes and 
constituent elements. 
-Execute correlation with sup. percep 
tion level,anomalies and deviations. 
-Study internal model variations 
and/or constituent elements. 
-Execute dynamic approach and ten 
dency study. 
-Select images to be employed,those 
appropriate for units determination 
at this level. 
-Establish models and its correla 
tion with reality,(large units,re 
lief forms assemblies,lineaments 
and geotectonic models,major surfa 
ce runoff systems,large vegetation 
and soils units,anthropic model or 
ganization of space. 
-Establish dynamic aspects detecta 
ble on images(e.g. headwaters re 
treat, eolian activity,etc.). 
-Elaborate global problem interpreta 
tion reflected on the imagery(sta 
tic, dynamic and the tendency). 
-Select images which offer best con 
trast of patterns and identifica 
tion of constituent elements. 
-Establish specific models of analy- 
lyzed systems and subsystems,(surfa_ 
ce runoff nets,vegetation physiogno^ 
my and soils,anthropic space organi 
zation)and paleosystems as well. 
-Establish elements and organization 
net which constitutes each model Re 
fine limits types in detail. 
-Establish dynamic aspects detecta 
ble on the images and relation bet 
ween elements and organization nets; 
feed back mechanisms relation. 
-Elaborate global problem interpreta 
tion reflected on the imagery(sta- 
tic,dynamic and the tendency) ■ 
-Select images that allows identifi 
cation of elements and patterns,di 
rect correlation with reality. 
-Establish elements and its associa 
tions and/or its spatial and morpho 
logic relations. 
-Elaborate rietworks "and constituent 
elements observed details. 
-Establish dynamic aspects that can 
be detected on the images and its 
-Elaborate punctual problem interpre 
tation that have to be correlated 
with previous perception level. 
-Establish representation scale 
-Establish representation priorities 
.Perceived geomorphic units and sub 
units. (taxonomic superior orders). 
•Surface runoff nets and systems. 
®.Surface runoff and geomorphic pro- 
«; cesses dynamic and tendency, 
u.Anthropic aspects and tendency(ac- 
H cording,to the objective). 
«¡-Elaborate legend. 
.Homogeneous units designation on 
the base of geomorphology,climate, 
vegetation and soils. 
-Elaborate symbology. 
-Establish representation scale 
1:100.000 to 1:25.000 
-Establish representation priorities 
.Models and limits. 
.Surface runoff nets and systems in 
.Surface runoff and geomorphic pro 
cesses dynamic and tendency. 
.Difference between actual models 
and paleomodels. 
.Anthropic aspects and tendency(ac 
cording to the objective). 
-Elaborate legend. 
.Taxonomic and homogeneous designa 
tion of models. 
-Elaborate symbology. 
-Establish representation scale 
-Establish representation priorities 
.Elements and models. 
.Variations between elements and or 
ganization models. 
.Surface runoff systems and networks 
in detail. 
.Geomorphic and anthropic processes 
dynamic and tendency. 
-Elaborate legend. 
■Taxonomic aadihomOgeneous designa 
tion of elements and models. 
-Elaborate symbology. 
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