Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986
A simple atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat Thematic
Mapper satellite images
Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium
ABSTRACT: An atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat Thematic is developed on the basis of an algorithm
proposed by Sturm. The algorithm needs only one meteorological variable, the horizontal visibility or meteoro
logical range. The algorithm is tested with a sensitivity analysis, and shows to be well applicable in regions
where the atmospheric conditions are stable, and well measured at observatories and airports.
RESUME: Un algorithme pour la correction atmosphérique des données Landsat Thematic Mapper est développé, basé
sur un algorithme proposé par Sturm. Il ne fait usage que d'une seule variable météorologique, la visibilité
horizontale. L'algorithme est testé avec une analyse de sensibilité, ce qui montre son applicabilité dans des
régions où les conditions atmosphériques sont stables et bien mesurées dans les observatoires ou les aéroports.
For many applications in water quality research on
oceans and estuaria it is necessary to apply an at
mospheric correction on the radiation received by the
satellites. Such atmospheric corrections were develo
ped and applied for the Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color
Scanner (CZCS) and for some other satellites.
The disadvantage of these atmospheric corrections is
that generally many meteorological variables should be
known. If one obtains a satellite image, taken some
months or years ago, it is often difficult to retrieve
these variables. Therefore it should be interesting to
have an atmospheric correction algorithm that needs
only meteorological variables which are measured on a
regular basis. In that case one has to retrieve the
data from existing observation series in order to
apply a more or less reliable atmospheric correction
on a given satellite image.
Sturm's paper (1981) describes such a "simple"
atmospheric correction model for oceanographic appli
cations. The algorithm is called simple,since it needs
Only one meteorological variable : the meteorologi
cal range. This variable may easily be retrieved from
meteorological stations and airports. Sturm developed
the correction for the Nimbus~7 CZCS which has a re
solution of 825 meter. Adapting this correction for
satellites with a higher resolution, such as Landsat
Thematic Mapper (TM) or the SPOT satellite, with
resolutions of respectively 30 and 20 meter in the
multispectral bands, will provide for applications
in the field of surface water research. These higher
resolutions allow for water quality studies in lakes,
estuaria, larger rivers and canals.
In this paper the adaption of Sturm's atmospheric
correction algorithm for TM will be developed.
The signal L received from water surfaces by a remote
sensor can be expressed as follows (see also figure 1)
L = L + L + L + L (1)
SG tlG w p
where Lg^ is the sunglitter, i.e. radiance due to
direct solar radiance from the water surface, L^q the
skyglitter, i.e. radiance due to diffuse radiance
reflected from the water surface, L^, the water lea
ving radiance and L p the path radiance, i.e. radiance
scattered from molecules and particles in the
Figure 1. Processes in the atmosphere and at the
water-atmosphere interface in remote sensing.
Equation (1) is valid for a remote sensor at height
z, observing at a wavelength X, with a view direction
zenith angle y, and a view direction azimuth angle (j).
A practical solution for NIMBUS-7 CZCS has been
proposed by Gordon (1978). Following assumptions have
to be made :
1 the sunglitter term is absent;
2 at a given reference wavelength the upwelling
subsurface radiance Lp is zero;
3 the path radiance term L can be separated into a
term due to air molecule (or Rayleigh) scattering
(L pr ) and a term due to aerosol (or Mie) scattering
(L pa )•
Equation (1) can then be written for a wavelength X
and a reference wavelength Xq as :
+ L
+ l:
+ L
L = L,, + L + L
Equation (2) supposes furthermore that the aerosol
scattering path radiance at two wavelengths is pro