occur within 24 hours.
Evaporation generally far exceeds the rainfall.
Relative humidity varies considerably. It is highest
in August (62 per cent) and lowest in April
(36 per cent). Wind occurs throughout the year.
Mean monthly maximum temperature fluctuates
between 39.4C 0 and 42.3C 0 for about seven months
from April onwards.
2.3 Geology
The eastern half of the region represents a part of the
Lower Indus Alluvial Plains formed over Tertiary con
solidated sediments, which crop out abruptly as two
monoclinal hills with fairly flat tops. Of these the
smaller one occurring in the north, represents the seat
of the old city of Hyderabad, while the larger one
situated in the south is called as Ganja Hills locally
known as Ganjo Takkar. The western half of the region
lying west of the Indus River is largely composed of
consolidated beds of moderate to low dip (10-2°).
The river bed lies in a vast syncline, the corresponding
anticline of which lies near the western boundary of
the region (LIP, 1965-66).
The exposed rocks are of Middle Eocene age Laki
Series and consist of alternating beds of limestones and
shales. The Limestones are lenticular in structure with
intercalations of Marl. The exposed beds are weathered
upto a depth of 5 meters from the ground surface. The
weathered part, though porous, cannot hold or transmit
sufficient quantity of water due to its Marly nature.
The lower beds of limestones have intercalated chalk
and cavities filled with calcite crystals (Wadia, 1966).
The shales are extremely hard posing difficulty in
drilling. A test hole drilled in the saddle between the
monoclinal hills showed that the alluvium is resting on
a bed of shale about 8 meters thick and occurs at a
depth of 3 to 6 meters from the land surface (WAPDA,
1979). In the north-western corner of the region Lower
Eocene deposits (Ranikot Series) are exposed. The
sediments consists of alternating beds of shales,
sandstones and limestones. These beds are extremely
dissected. A section of the regional geological map
(Abu Bakr and Jackson, 1964), is presented in Fig.l.
Fig.l Adapted Regional Geological Map with hydrologi
cal conditions as studied through aerial photo inter
pretation .
Before 1979 no concrete affort had been made to
study the urban drainage conditions of the region.
Some earlier reports illustrated the drainage conditions
keeping in view largely the agricultural aspects (Beg,
etal., 1970). Soon after independence in 1947, a sate
llite town was planned on the Flood Plains adjoining
rock outcrops to accomodate the great surge of migra
ting population from India. Apparently no site specific
studies were undertaken for urban planning.
3.1 WAPDA Southern Zone Planning Studies
Keeping in view rapid deterioration of drainage, the
Southern Zone Planning (WAPDA 1979), conducted a
comprehensive study. According to the main findings
of the study "three serious difficiencies, which both
directly and indirectly, have aggravated the drainage
problem of the city. Firstly, the city has no surface
drainage system for disposal of storm water creating
critical conditions during unusual downpour of high
intensity in most monsoon years. Secondly, due to
lack of surface and subsurface drainage the watertable
in Latifabad (a satellite town of the region) has come
up close to the surface causing heavy damage to the
residential buildings and other infrastructures.
Thirdly, the sewage system for Latifabad and the city
area is under-designed and that too has not been
properly maintained, resulting in chocking of main
sewerage lines and blockage in the connecting sewerage
The study of soils was carried out during monsoon
season when surface ponding and subsoil wetness were
at peak. The observations were recorded on rigid
grid pattern, at an intensity of 16 observations per
square kilometer in newly developed area and 8
observation per square kilometer in remaining areas.
Using Earnest's auger hole method only 21 hydraulic
conductivity tests were carried out at the rate of
one test for every 250 hectares. The soil profiles
were though examined in respect of texture, struc
tures, porosity and ground watertable, but overall
emphasis had been on texture with which all the
findings were ultimately correlated. The textures
in turn, were grouped in four broader classes:
coarse, coarse medium, coarse fine and fine. The
soil profile information was recorded according to
prefixed depth intervals of 25 cms. Texturally 82
percent of the newly developed area and 67 percent
in the remaining parts of the region, other than
rock outcrops, was declared to have good drainage
For estimation of surface drainage, infiltration rates
were presented in relation to textural distribution.
Accordingly, about two-third of land was described
as having good surface drainage. Most of the remaining
area was reported to be with moderate drainage
conditions. The extent of soils with poor drainage
was found to be not more than 15 percent.
The internal drainage of the region was determined
from an array of hydraulic conductivity tests, despite
great variation in results. The K-value of 60 percent
of the profiles was less than 0.1 meter per day,
indicating poor internal drainage. But unfortunately,
the results are presented as average of all the
sites studies, which came to 1.53 meter per day.
Through the average values the diverse hydraulic
conductivity results were described to be supporting
the textural representations. The causes of variation
in K-value within the generalized textural groups
were not explained.
3.2 Soil Survey Inventories
By the year 1979, adequate technology was available
in Pakistan in respect of modern physiographic soil
surveys based on aerial photo interpretation. Through
this technique, reconnaissance soil survey of the
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