ad been made to
is of the region,
rainage conditions
iral aspects (Beg,
:e in 1947, a sate-
d Plains adjoining
t surge of migra-
ly no site specific
of drainage, the
'79), conducted a
the main findings
icies, which both
ated the drainage
:y has no surface
•m water creating
iownpour of high
Secondly, due to
ige the watertable
region) has come
vy damage to the
abad and the city
00 has not been
:hocking of main
necting sewerage
t during monsoon
soil wetness were
;corded on rigid
observations per
oed area and 8
remaining areas,
nly 21 hydraulic
t at the rate of
The soil profiles
texture, struc-
■ ble, but overall
h which all the
The textures
broader classes:
; and fine. The
ed according to
;. Texturally 82
. and 67 percent
on, other than
e good drainage
infiltration rates
ral distribution,
d was described
of the remaining
derate drainage
1 poor drainage
was determined
ty tests, despite
ue of 60 percent
meter per day,
t unfortunately,
•age of all the
meter per day.
^erse hydraulic
o be supporting
ises of variation
:extural groups
y was available
ysiographic soil
:ation. Through
survey of the
areas around the region had already been conducted
and results of studies published. Reference knowledge
gathered from these surveys had revealed certain
physiographic and morphological aspects which have
an important bearing on the study of drainage condi
tions of the region.
Soils were identified and mapped as natural bodies
having well defined landscapes and unique sets of
profile characteritics. Soil drainage as a land quality
was inferred both from the landscape characteristics
(landform, relief, landuse, and surface salinity),
and profile characteristics (texture, structure, poro
sity, watertable/saturation). According to these stu
dies, the region is largely a young floodplain, pro
fusely marked by riverain features. The surface
has a complex relief changing at short distances.
Soil salinity is found associated with well-defined
landscape positions.
The sediments are estuarine in nature and are
deposited by river floods of abruptly decreasing
velocity. They are extremely sorted and are dominant
in very find sand and silt fractions (Jalal-ud-Din,
etal, 1970). As a result, the sediments are characte
rized by inherent capillary porosity due to which
water is held in the soil profile against the gravity.
The ground water or perched water pockets have
created saturation fronts, far above their actual levels.
From the wet spots the moisture is attracted even
laterally towards the unsaturated parts. Further,
under stress conditions the saturated very find sandy
and silty soils have very low bearing capacity (Syal,
It is also understood that presence of heavy clay
lenses within the profile (upto a depth of 250 cm)
may create perched watertable conditions due to per
colating rain, irrigation or sewerage water. Thickness
of such layers usually does not matter much, even
a thin layer may create situation equal to a thick
layer. Similarly, the topography of the underlying
rocks may be too uneven to ensure prompt movements
of the underground flow of water. All of these
factors locally affect the internal drainage conditions
to varying degrees.
Dense saline-sodic soils are unsuitable for economic
agricultural development, bur they are readily avail
able for non-agricultural uses. Some special measures
are needed to use these soils for housing or industry
(Mian and Brinkman, 1970).
3.3 Soil drainage: Conditions and requirements
Soil drainage represents the rapidity and extent to
which a soil is capable of disposing off its surplus
water externally (by run off) and internally (by
leaching) (Soil Survey Staff, USDA, 1954). The con
cept holds good regardless of land use of the region—
agricultural or non-agricultural. How easily and effec
tively a soil is drained depends on depth to watertable
or of ponding, soil permeability, depth to bedrock,
flooding and slope (SCS., USDA, 1983). Drainage
conditions are best studied under stereoscopes by
landforms, relief graytone and site conditions. Relation
of these photo elements with soil/site condition is
high (Buringh, 1960). A coarse loamy soil on a
concave position and the same texture on convex
slope surely has different surface drainage conditions,
which could be easily readable on the aerial photo
graphs and delineated on a map.
A very detailed physiographic soil map representing
soils at phase level, coupled with deep auger observa
tions (5-10 meters) at representative sites could be
the most useful document to group the soil phases
according to site conditions to be evaluated for urban
expansion (Tahir and Mushtaq, 1977). The natural
drainage conditions of a site dictate that either it
should not be brought under a township or adequate
drainage should be provided and adapted architectural
design made in the light this knowledge (Mian and
Brinkman, 1970).
3.4 Main short falls of the studies
The studies of Southern Zone Planning (WAPDA,
1979) did not employ the systematic terrain analysis
technique of photo interpretation. Conversely, it
appears that photographs were used only as base
maps for field guidance. Soil mapping was done
on the basis of rigid grid sampling procedure which
is not adequate in Flood Plain areas wherein vertical
and horizontal veriations in soil materials and land
scape conditions are rather too frequent. Similarly,
instead of using available soil maps or the aerial
photographs, topographic maps of 1:50,000 scale were
used to delineate specific drainage development areas.
In doing so, relief inaccuracies were encountered.
Consequently, very precise network of open and
tile drains could not be proposed. Further, the
effect of effluent from the high-lying old city and
runoff from the denuded rock plains could not be
estimated properly. As physiographic processes res
ponsible for terrain evolution were not studied, drain
age deterioration could not be attributed to real
processes on site-specific basis.
Effect on subsoil drainage has not been duly consi
dered, of the impervious shale and its internal topo
graphy observed at shallow depth under the alluvium.
Instead, the problem has been solely attributed to
unfavourable nature of the overburden. Further,
it is assumed that the canals system has no appreciable
seepage zone to act as a barrier for natural internal
drainage. This does not appear very convincing
in case of inherent high capillarity of the soils
of this region. Similarly, the role of seepage water
brought in the region by old abandoned river creeks
entering the area in the north has not been duly
assessed. Water column in the barrage may also
contribute seepage water to the region internally.
Soil Survey reports of the country have not provided
interpretation of land resource data for urban and
engineering uses. Stress on interpretations for agri
cultural development has lead the urban planners
to assume that the available soils information is
inadequate. The scale of soil mapping (1:250,000)
is also not enough for making detailed predictions
about soil behaviour for urban development.
4.1 Material and method
Semi-controlled photo mosaics of 1:40,000 scale were
studied visually to identify broad photo-patterns
representing main landtypes of the region. Each
landtype was analysed in detail under the Ziess-Aero-
topo stereoscope using panchromatic, black-and-
white, semi-matt aerial photographs taken in 1953.
The resulting terrain units were described in detail.
Using another set of aerial photographs of scale
1:30,000 taken in 1976 (during the same season),
similar photo interpretation study was carried out
objectively. The resulting terrain units were compared
in respect of changes in photo image characteristics.
The systematic physiographic procedure of aerial
photographic interpretation (Vink 1963) was employed
leading to understanding of the type of sediments,
their mode of occurrance in the terrain and of
the factors affecting the drainage conditions in the
region. "The theme of physiographic analysis is
to find and describe features of the stereo photo
image which are characteristics of certain physio
graphic processes; can be used to identify these
processes and so on, in turn, will provide important
clues for delineating the soil pattern" (Goosen, 1967).
Deductions about photo image characteristics based
on local reference knowledge were the most significant
aspects of the physiographic photo interpretation