5.2 Colour infrared air photographs
The colour infrared photographs depict terrain
conditions during early spring, prior to the
emergence of crons. Soil conditions are therefore
better exposed than in the panchromatic air photos.
The six major photomorphic units which were not
clearly defined or identified in previous studies
include;(^hoto 1):
a. Linear features representing deposits and
landforms associated with the paleocoastal environ
ment of proglacial lakes: viz. beaches, sand bars,
snits, troughs.
b. Convoluted features representing ice-collapse
glacio-lacustrine sediments.
c. Elongate to irregularly shaped paleo-dunes,
d. Contemporary flood-plain of the Thames River.
e. Moraine ridges.
f. Hummocky moraine pitted with kettles,
5.3 Digital Imagery
a. Selection of Optimal band triplet
The selection of three ODtimal bands was achieved
using a ranking technique suggested by Sheffield,
(1985). The top ranked 3 bands are CH05 (456.5-517
nm), CHOO (522-735 nm) and CHOI (793-893 nm).
Imagery from these bands were subjected to contrast
enhancement and spatial filtering prior to the
visual interpretation of composite images.
b. Contrast enhancements
Histogram-equalization stretch enhancement provided
the best results for visual analysis of displays
of colour composites formed using the optimal band
c. Spatial filtering
Best results were obtained using high-boost filtering.
The enhanced image was particularly useful for
accentuating the convoluted textures of ice-collapse
glaciolacustrine deposits and the boundaries of
d. Principal component transformation
A principal component transformation (Jenson and
Waltz, 1979), provided discrimination of surficial
material and geomorphology equal to that of the
optimal three band colour composite.
e. Band ratioing
After elimination of the four highest correlated
bands, the four remaining bands (CHOO, CHOI, CH02,
CH05) were used to construct six unique band-ratio
images. Best results for discrimination of
surficial material, soil patterns and drainage
features were obtained using band ratio CH02 (green)/
CH05 (blue).
Enhanced digital images particularly the histogram-
equalisation stretch and band ratioing contributed
to better identification and image expression of
photomornhic units and their boundaries. They have
been particularly useful for verification of infor
mation derived from the analysis of CIR photographs.
The increased detail present in enhanced images
does not always contribute positively to the recog
nition of surficial material. Local features of
conditions such as variations in moisture content,
humus content, soil erosion, micro-relief and
plowing, can cause additional information noise
after enhancement, leading to large number of
photomorphic units. This must be taken into account
during geological interpretation. An increase in
the apparent number of' photomorphic units does not
necessarily represent the number of truly separable
geologic units.
In summary, the best analytical approach for
surficial geology mapping and aggregate exploration
was obtained through the analysis of colour infrared
photographs complemented by MEIS-II multispectral
data. Timing of the imagery acquisition, scale of
the imagery and availability of ancillary data were
important factors in subsequent data analysis, Such
factors must be carefully examined when advanced
remote sensing systems are considered as technical
aids in similar studies.
Chapman, L. J. & D. F. Putnam 1984. The physiography
of southern Ontario. Ontario Geological Survey.
Special, vol. 2, pg. 270.
Jenson, S. K. & F. A. Waltz 1979. Principal
component analysis and canonical analysis in
remote sensing. Proc. of the American Society
of Photogrammetry. 45th Annual Meeting. March 18-
24. Washington. D C., pg. 337-348.
Till, S. M., McColl, W. D. and Neville, R. A.,
1983. Development, field performance and evalua
tion of the MEIS-II multi-detector electro-
optical imaging scanner. Proceedings, Seventh
International Symposium on Remote Sensing of the
Environment. Ann Arbor, Michigan, preprint.
Sheffield, C. 1985. Selecting band combinations from
multispectral data. Photogrammetric Engineering
and Remote Sensing. 51:681-687.