quadratically with the number of bands to classify. A
classification algorithm based on nonparametric
techniques, the piecewise linear classifier, was
described by Lee & Richards (1984). The
classification time increases only linearly with the
number of bands included. To classify 8 bands into 6
classes, the average classification time was
approximately 10 times as high for the ML
classification compared to the piecewise linear
classifier while the accuracy was much the same (Lee
& Richards 1984).
5.2 Vegetation indices
The spectral properties of green vegetation in the
visible and the near infra-red part of the spectrum
follow a very distinct pattern, see Table 2 and
Figure 1. The relationship between visible red and
near infrared have commonly been used for studies of
vegetation amount (e.g. Kauth & Thomas 1976 Tucker &
Maxwell 1976, Richardson & Wiegand 1977, Tucker 1979,
Pollock & Kanemasu 1979, Curran 1980, Wiegand St
Richardson 1982). The aim is to reduce the number of
wavelength bands to a single band, highly correlated
with amount of vegetation or accumulated green bio
mass on the ground.
We can see two different approaches to the
generation of vegetation indices, ratios and linear
combinations of spectral bands. A wellknown example
of the first type of vegetation indices is the
normalized difference vegetation index NDVI (Curran
1980, Holben et.al. 1980, Justice et.al. 1985). The
Tasseled Cap transformation by Kauth St Thomas (1976)
and Crist Sr Kauth (1986) is one of the most commonly
applied transformations of the latter kind. The
correlation coefficients for relationships between
different vegetation indices and measured vegetation
amount on the ground were very high, 0.86 - 0.90,
using hand-held radiometer (Tucker 1979) . Correlation
between Landsat MSS derived vegetation indices and
vegetation amount is not as high, 0.6 - 0.7, but
still 95% significant (Richardson & Wiegand 1977) .
In the literaure we can find a large number of
different vegetation indices, based on either linear
combinations or ratios. Perry St Lautenschlager (1984)
found and tested "some four dozen of these formulae".
Their conclusion were that for all practical purposes
several widely used indices are equivalent. What is
needed now is empirical research aimed at answering
some of the following questions:
- In what biomass intervalls (e.g. desert, grassland,
woodland, forest) are vegetation indices most
- How does the type of vegetation (field cover vs.
canopy cover) affect the relationship.
- How to compensate for the influence from varying
soil colour.
All these questions are closely connected to the type
of satellite data that is used, especially when using
NOAA data, covering vast areas and recorded off-nadir
at high angles, it is important to know more about
these problems.
5.3 Accuracy of remote sensing
A study area that have attracted comparatively
little attention is methodology for estimation of
accuracy of remote sensing results. Nevertheless is
proper estimation of accuracy of ultimate importance
for all development of new techniques. Estimation of
accuracy involves sampling of reference data and
the application of statistical measure of
correspondence between the remote sensing product and
the reference data. These procedures have been
described by e.g. Hord & Brooner (1976), Hay (1979),
Turk (1979) and Hellden (1980). Rosenfield &
Fitzpatrick-Lins (1986) described a "coefficient of
agreement" (based on work by Cohen 1960 & 1968) as a
measure of classification accuracy as a whole and for
the individual categories. It desirable that the
remote sensing community adopts one methodology for
estimating accuracy, and that this also becomes
widely used for different remote sensing applica
tions .
Environmental information presented in map form is a
necessary instrument for planning and management of
natural resources, as well as for research on the
distribution and allocation of resources. Maps can be
seen as a means for communication between
researchers, planners and decision makers. The amount
of information that can be presented in map form is
tremendous. Both status, trends and projections can
be presented in a conceptually simple way.
A geographical information system (GIS) is a
computer based tool for storing analysing and
presenting spatial data. All kinds of data that are
spatially determined can be stored, updated, analysed
in a multivariate fashion and presented, either in
map form or as tabular data. Data at different scales
can be linked to each other and that provides a base
for generating spatially full-covering information
from case studies over limited regions.
Traditional computer assisted cartography and GIS
was entirely vector based, i.e. the data was
represented by x, y and z coordinates. The technical
development of image processing has lead to an
alternative to vector storage and analysis, the
raster form, where every point on the map, in the
form of a rectangular grid system, is stored. Both
systems have their advantages and drawbacks, see
Table 5.
Table 5. Positive versus negative features of raster
and vector representation of cartographic data.
vector data raster data
+ storage efficient + areas are conveniently
represented and area
operations (e.g. over
laying) are efficient
+ object oriented, + easily integrated with
searching and retrieval
of objects is easy
+ geometrical and scale +
operations are efficient
- access by location is
- thematic overlaying is
- input (raster scanner)
and output (screens and
plotters) devices are
inefficiently used.
A landscape is composed of a mosaic of different
features, physical, cultural and economical. Some of
these features can be regarded as more or less
static, they do not change rapidly over time (e.g.
geology, climatic zonation and settlement pattern).
Other must be regarded as extremely dynamic, they
change rapidly over time. Dynamic factors may be
e.g. image data in
raster format
output devices (screens
and plotters) are
efficiently used
space consuming
geometrical and scale
operations are time-
searching for and ret
rieval of objects is
sensitive t
or more oi
static fact
know, they
agents caus
degree of cl
dynamic and
of different
ideal tool,
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a) Improve
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(type anc
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