Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management/Enschede /August 1986
© 1987Balkema, Rotterdam. ISBN 90 6191 674 7
Working Group 4: Renewable resources in rural areas
Working Group IV conducted 5 plenary sessions in
the fields of Remote Sensing for soil mapping, -crop
monitoring, -vegetation mapping, -forestry and -land
use studies with 19 papers. In addition a business
meeting was held and 6 poster sessions with 36 pres
Characteristical for the Working Group is its di
versity of application as a result of the different
objectives of the work, the initial databases, work
ing methods and data processing techniques such as:
- different types of initial data resolution: from
large scale aerial photography to small scale satel
lite imagery.
- different types of data forms: digital data of MSS
satellite or airborne scanners to analogue photog
raphy obtained from satellite, airborne and terres
trial platforms.
- different types of methods and algorithms used in
solving the problems: the presented solutions are
mostly project oriented and only for a few cases
system oriented.
- diversity of hard-ware: from simple tools to the
application of complicated and advanced systems.
The participants of Working Group IV stressed the
need for a more uniform systematic and coherent ap
proach in solving the problems of the practical ap
plication of Remote Sensing in the different themat
ic subjects and for the field conditions.
Recommended is that for the digital processing of
the data techniques should be developed, which are
based on personal computers using simple multipur
pose software. These software programs should enable
uniform base data management, image processing and
overlay techniques.
Also recommended is more emphasis on the economi
cal and financial aspects of the methods used. The
participants of Working Group IV have the feeling
that this subject is insufficiently discussed or
covered by sufficient papers.
Recommended is to have a colloquium in October
1987 in Yugoslavia for Working Group IV and taking
into account the great importance of renewable re
sources in rural areas for the solution of ecologi
cal and food problems to support the idea of prepar
ing and carrying out the International Conference on
aerospace methods in ecology and nature protection
(UNESCO/UNEP) Programme on Man and the Biosphere,
(MAB), Poushtchino, USSR, 1988.