Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 3)

President of ISP RS 
Commission Presid 
dents for the Ne 
grammetry and Rem 
nenburg, Distingu 
Photogrammetry an 
During the Congr< 
International Soc 
The over 450 reg 
that it is our largt 
of Commission 7. 
Photogrammetry an 
to do with the la 
Commission VII h 
been under the gi 
At that time the 
ation, which bet 
second leg of the 
10 years of its e. 
Today the ITC is , 
ities in Enschede 
but one part in t\ 
science disciplin 
common basis, in a 
sition for them 
Therefore it is 
and the Nedah&r.l'au 
and remote sensim 
This experience o. 
for our Intematu 
sensing is currem 
Leadership to Du\ 
our field. We sho 
has been establis 
sight of Prime Mi 
same time was an 
grammetrist and c 
he was elected as 
Society of Photog 
1938 in Rome, nor 
ABSTRACT: The til 
discussing the tc 
secondly like to s 
of the art with a 
like to describe c 
I consider under 
permits to determ 
without direct cor 
therefore be esta: 
While I do cons 
as remote sensin 
mapping expert, h 
sensing systems, 
object informatior

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