Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management/Enschede/August 1986
© 1987 Balkema, Rotterdam. ISBN 90 6191 674 7
Hydrologic and oceanographic applications of remote sensing
Arthur P.Cracknell
Carnegie Laboratory of Physics, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
ABSTRACT: This is a very wide remit and so an attempt will be made (i) to survey what has already been
achieved by the use of remotely-sensed data in the fields of hydrology and oceanography, (ii) to assess the
present position and assess both what can be achieved and what it is unrealistic to expect to achieve in these
fields with currently-available remotely-sensed data and (iii) to predict the likely advances that can be
expected to be made with new types of remotely-sensed data that can be expected to become available in the
near future.
It is appropriate, since this is a meeting of a
Commission of ISPRS, to think in terms of synthesis.
I have in mind particularly a synthesis between two
fields which have, in the past, often been quite
separate but which are now already coming closer
together and which, hopefully, will draw even more
close together in the future. The fields I have in
mind are on the one hand the use of air photographs,
whether for qualitative photo-interpretation or for
quantitative photogrammetric work, and on the other
hand the use of data from remote sensing satellites.
In the past these fields of work have tended to
remain separated because the nature of the data
obtained from the two sources was rather different.
The differences can conveniently be summarised under
the headings (i) spatial resolution, (ii) spectral
characteristics and (iii) temporal resolution. With
the improved spatial resolution of the new generation
of instruments that have recently been launched into
space, namely the Thematic Mapper on LANDSAT-4 and
LANDSAT-5 and the HRV on the SPOT-1 satellite, the
gap between the spatial resolution of air photo
graphs and that of satellite-flown scanners is
becoming very much reduced.
A great deal of photogrammetric and remote sensing
work has, in the past, been devoted to study of what
I might call dry land. By dry land I mean'not just
the land, as distinct from the sea, but aspects of
the land in which the presence of water is somewhat
secondary. Also, because conventional photo-
grammetry has been based on the use of aerial photo
graphs it has usually, of necessity, been confined
to dealing with small areas of the surface of the
Earth. By contrast, conventional remote sensing has
been based on the use of low-spatial-resolution
satellite data which covers much larger areas of the
surface of the Earth.
To survey the work that has been done in the past
and to assess the present position in the fields
that it is the purpose of this paper to address, one
can hardly expect to do better than to summarise the
relevant chapters of the second edition of the
Manual of Remote Sensing (Colwell 1983). The
relevant chapters are chapter 28 on "The Marine
Environment" and chapter 29 on "Water Resources
Assessment"; I shall, therefore, try (i) to summarise
the main points from these chapters, (ii) to add any
more recent material from publications subsequent to
that edition of the Manual, (iii) to comment on the
present position and (iv) to make some predictions
about future developments.
Since, as I have already indicated, the past work in
these areas has been reviewed meticulously in the
Manual of Remote Sensing there would be no purpose,
in the written version of this paper, in giving an
extensive plagiarism of that work. I shall simply
give a brief summary, though a more extensive
discussion will be given in the oral presentation.
2.1 Hydrology
Considering hydrology first, the main past
applications of remote sensing noted in chapter 29
of the Manual include
(a) Underground water resources
(b) Soil moisture and évapotranspiration
(c) Snow and ice mapping and monitoring
(d) Estimation of meltwater runoff
(e) Surface water mapping and monitoring
(f) Flood monitoring
(g) Mapping of catchment areas, wetlands, irrigated
areas, inter-tidal zone, coastal erosion/
Behind many of these applications is the question of
the assessment of water resources. The question of
pollution, which can be very important in lakes,
rivers and estuaries is actually discussed in the
previous chapter.
2.2 Oceanography
The main topics which have been studied in the past
by using remote sensing techniques are noted in
chapter 28 of the Manual and include :
(a) Water surface temperature
(b) Ocean fronts and currents
(c) Surface topography
(d) Coastal currents
(e) Sea state and near-surface winds
(f) Sea ice monitoring
(g) Sewage, industrial and oil pollution
(h) Salinity
(i) Chlorophyll concentration
(j) Fisheries
(k) Submerged aquatic vegetation
(l) Suspended sediment concentration
(m) Bathymetry
(n) Circulation models.
There is, inevitably, some overlap between the
material in the two chapters, especially regarding
the coastal regions where freshwater systems and
marine systems meet.