to substantial improvements in performance.
A second approach would be to use an existing GIS,
usually in vector form, with raster image data and
classes as specified by the resource manager. In
Canada, resource management agencies have, over many
years, made large expenditures building geographic
information systems. In British Columbia, for
example, 3000 forest cover maps, out of 6000
possible, are in digital form in a forest inventory
GIS. Agencies with large data bases are unwilling
to change to a new GIS representation in order to
make use of remote sensing data. Therefore, remote
sensing image analysis systems in Canada must inter
face to existing GIS. This and other differences
lead to several problems given in the next section.
One way of exchanging geographic information
amongst several GIS is to use an accepted standard
for information exchange. In several countries
there are attempts to define and implement GIS
exchange formats. Suppliers of GIS have also speci
fied exchange formats. In Canada, an early attempt
was made by several federal departments to produce a
GIS exchange format, the Spatial Data Transfer
Format (Goodenough et al, 1983). This format is a
member of the LANDSAT Ground Station Operators'
Working Group (LGSOWG) family of tape formats for
remote sensing imagery. Mapping agencies in Canada
are cooperating to develop a more extensive format
for topographic data exchange. Even between GIS
from the same supplier, there are labelling incom
patibilities between different GIS. There needs to
be, but currently does not exist, an international
standard for geographic information exchange.
1.3 Problems Integrating IAS and GIS
Most GIS use vector storage to represent thematic
classes. Image analysis systems use raster storage.
An integrated GIS-IAS must have software to convert
from raster to vector, and vice versa. The grid
resolution of the remote sensing image may not allow
one to reproduce the fine structure of the GIS.
A GIS can have thousands of classes. For example,
a forest cover map can have more than 1800 different
classes. Most IAS handle less than 256 classes
since the most popular classification algorithms
operate with a cost proportional to n 2 where n is
the number of classes. The LDIAS analysis subsystem
is restricted to 256 classes. For forestry analysis
on LDIAS it is necessary to combine classes based on
ranges of attributes, such as slope, stand density,
species, or site quality.
The geometric accuracy of the GIS is probably
worse than current, corrected remote sensing data.
We have found that geocoded Thematic Mapper data
with an IFOV (instantaneous Field of View) of 30m
and a resampled pixel size of 25m are more precise
geometrically than several geographic information
systems. This is, in part, a result of the the much
greater synoptic coverage of a LANDSAT scene (185 km
by 185 km). The GIS are usually derived from maps
or combinations of maps and aerial photography. The
maps have been derived using aerial photography. It
is not uncommon for stereo models derived from the
aerial photography to have displacement errors in
rugged terrain where there are few man-made
Another problem is that the GIS class labels may
not correspond to detectable remote sensing classes.
For some classes, the satellite data we are using
does not have sufficient resolution to detect, for
example, small creeks overgrown with trees or insect
damage for individual trees. Some classes require
the use of contextual knowledge; for example, parks,
recreation areas, cemeteries, etc. Some classes
easily identified with a remote sensing IAS may not
correspond to classes desired by the resource
manager, such as a combination of several forest
species which form a single spectral group.
Even if the GIS and IAS are in grid or raster form
for analysis, the methods of interpretation to
choose are dependent upon the sets of classes being
examined. A few spectral channels may suffice to
identify major water bodies, but many spectral and
spatial features may be needed to classify some
forest species. Optimization is important here
since the processing and storage costs can rise
dramatically with the number of channels used in the
For operational resource management, the GIS and
IAS are complex, large, computer systems. Both
systems require large storage capacities, many
software functions, and complex displays. Analysts
who use such systems have received at least one year
of training. There are major problems relating maps
to images, as given in sections 1.3 and 4. These
problems require symbolic reasoning (artificial
intelligence) for their solution. The use of expert
systems simplifies the user interface, but adds to
the system complexity. Expert system applications
are discussed in section 5.
2.1 The LDIAS Objective
When the United States of America launched the
LANDSAT-4 remote sensing satellite, the Canada
Centre for Remote Sensing began receiving data from
the two sensors, the Thematic Mapper (TM) and the
Multispectral Scanner (MSS). The TM sensor produces
images with 10 times more data than the MSS. The
CCRS Image Analysis System (Goodenough, 1977),
designed for MSS analysis, could not handle a full
TM scene. Larger processing and storage power were
required, as well as new functions for analysis with
higher spatial resolution imagery.
In 1982, CCRS received approval to begin a
research and development project for TM analysis.
The objective was to conduct this research and
create a new image analysis system, the LANDSAT
Digital Image Analysis System (LDIAS) , which would
enable us to analyze a full TM scene (185 km by 185
km) into 32 classes within 8 hours, while permitting
the integration of map-based data. In addition,
LDIAS would have to support airborne optical scan
ners and synthetic aperture radars. From this
general objective there developed many activities
which led to the system architecture and functional
ity described below.
2.2 System Architecture
The architecture of LDIAS is shown in Figure 2. The
primary image analysis computer, LDIASl, is a Digit
al Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX 11/785 with 8
megabytes of memory and 2.6 gigabytes of disk stora
ge. There are four image displays, each with 512 by
512 pixels displayed: two Gould Deanza IP8500 dis
plays (12 channels), and two Dipix Aries II displays
(4 channels). All terminals connect to a Gandalf
Compacx switching network which permits one to work
on any computer from the same terminal. The next
largest computer in LDIAS is LDIAS2, a DEC VAX
11/780 with 8 megabytes of memory and 1.6 gigabytes
of disk storage. This Map Input/Output subsystem
was acquired from Intergraph Corporation. There are
two color Interact map displays, each with two
screens and digitizing tablets. To speed graphics