Figure 7 - Composite "snap-shot" of GEOSAT-derived
l°-degree zonal averaged surface current variability.
Space/time variability is estimated with respect to a 2-year
long mean [After Christou (1990)].
satellite altimetry data. Given the complexity of using such
data for monitoring global change in Canada, the most
important aspect of satellite altimetry data collection is to
built on past data sets (e.g. GEOS-3, SEASAT and
GEOSAT) and continue archiving data and data products
from the future missions (e.g. with data from TOPEX,
ERS-1, etc.). In the long term, these data will be combined
with information of ocean density and applied to theories of
ocean dynamics to produce for the first time accurate
models of how regional and global ocean circulation (from
the surface to the sea floor) changes over time.
within relevant government agencies supporting a
national global change program for the coordination,
acquisition, processing, archiving and distribution of
current and future altimetry data sets;
• ensuring the adequacy of existing capabilities and the
continuation of current efforts to apply the information
derived from the GEOSAT Exact Repeat Mission;
• providing the means to develop prototype processing
facilities, product preparation and data utilization
schemes for future operational space platforms with
altimetry instruments (e.g. ERS-1, TOPEX, Eos/GLRS,
• preparing for the conduct of altimetric operations of
the ERS-1 polar mission over the Canadian ice-covered
regions and Arctic ice-sheets; and finally
• bringing this technology into an operational environment
where it will be used for global climate studies.
The second author wishes to thank his supervisor Dr. R.B.
Langley, Department of Surveying Engineering, University
of New Brunswick for his expert advice and guidance
during the course of his disseration work. Also the
continual financial support the author received through
NSERC operating grants held by R.B. Langley is gratefully
acknowledged. Henry S.H. Li, Department of Surveying
Engineering, University of Calgary and Dave Fielder,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Waterloo University while on Co-Op Student Assignments
at the Geodetic Survey Division, Canada Centre for
Surveying have provided valuable computational support
and developed various data management and graphics
modules for the analysis of GEOSAT data.
Chaney, R.E., B.C. Douglas, R.W. Agreen, L. Miller, D.L.
Porter and N.S. Doyle (1987) - "GEOSAT Altimeter
Geophysical Data Record User Handbook", NOAA
Tech. Mem. NOS NGS-46, Nat. Ocean Service,
Rockville, Md., July.
That satellite altimetry techniques would be a remarkable
means of monitoring ocean circulation and its role in
shaping world climate was never in doubt. The recent three
years of successful GEOSAT observations have
demonstrated that this is the most efficient way for the
global study of the oceans from space. However,
expansion of this observing system to provide a global sea
level measurement reference base, to produce a multi
parameter oceanic database for diagnosis and prediction,
and to provide assessment of the potential rise in sea level
and its likely impact on climate change requires a much
more significant, and well-focused government
commitment. For Canada specific priorities include: •
Christou, N. (1990) - "On the Space-Time Ocean Current
Variability and its Effect on the Length-of-day", Ph.D.
Dissertation, School of Graduate Studies and Research,
University of New Brunswick, May.
Haines, B.J., G. H. Bom, G.W. Rosborough, J.G. Marsh
and R.G. Williamson (1990) - "Precise Orbit
Computation for the GEOSAT Exact Repeat Mission",
J. Geop. Res. Vol. 95, No. C3, March, pp. 2871-2885.
Keating, M. (1989) - "Toward a Common Future: A Report
on Sustainable Development and its Implications for
Canada", Dept. Supply and Services Canada Report No.
En 21-83/1989E.
• a needed clear definition of primary responsibilities