Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

E — 3 Study on Hierarchical Processing of Remotely Sensed images 
Sadao FUJIMURA(Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo) 
E - 1 Research on 11igh—level Image Processing in Remote Sensing Fields Using Geographical Database as 
Support Knowledge 
Masao SAK AUCHI (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo) 
E - 5 Feature Extraction for Forest from Rugged Terrain Image Rased on Atmospheric and Topo 
graphic Correction 
Yoshiyuki KAWADA (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) 
E - 6 Recognition of Satellite Imagery Using Digtized Map Data and its Application 
Takashi KUSAKA (Kanazawa Institute of Technology) 
E - 7 Geomorphological Studies of Antarctic Inland-outcropped Areas Using GEOSAT Radar Altime 
ter and LANDSAT MSS Data 
Ilideo YOSHIDA (National Institute of Polar Research) 
Working Groups 
Group B: Grobal Change Analysis of Biosphere Using Satellite Data -Interaction between Atmospheric 
and Ter restrial Aspects- 
Geographic Database 
Chair: Ryutaro TATEISHI (Remote Sensing and Image Research Center, Chiba University) 
Eco-climate Map 
Chair: Kazue FUJIWARA (Environmental Science Center, Yokohama National University) 
Chair: Hiroshi FUKUN1SIII (Upper Atmosphere and Space Research Laboratory, Tohoku Univer 
Group C: Study on Physical Process of Water Cycle over the Land 
Water Circulation in Terrestial Region 
Chair: Junsei KONDO (Geophysical Institute, Tohoku University) 
Group D: Study of Air-Sea Interaction Using Satellite Data 
Ocean Color 
Chair: Yasuhiro SUGIMORI (School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai Universiy) 
Chair: llajime FUKUSHIMA (School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai Universiy) 
Group E: Higher Order Processing of Earth Observation Information 
NOAA Satellite Data Analysis 
Chair: Ryuzo YOKOYAMA (Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University) 
General Supervising Commuttce 
Members from the outside of the program 
Tomio ASAI (Director, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo) 
Hiroshi INOSE (Director, National Center for Science Information System) 
Ilideaki KUNISHI (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University) 
Akira MIYAWAKI (Director, Environmental Science Center, Yokohama National University) 
Makoto NAG AO (Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University) 
Jun NISIIIMURA (Director, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) 
Iliromi SIIIIGAI (Tsukuba University) 
Ryuzaburo YAMAMOTO (Faculty of Science, Kyoto University) 
Members from the inside of the programme 
Keiji IIIGUCIII (Director, Water Research Institute, Nagoya University) 
Ilaruto HIROSAWA (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science): Group Leader 
Sadao KAWAGUCHI (National Institute of Polar Research) 
Junsei KONDO (Geophysical Institute, Tohoku University): Group Leader 
Shunji MURAI (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo): Group Leader 
Yasuhiro SUGIMORI (School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai Universiy): Group Leader 
Mikio TAKAGI (Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo): Programme Leader 
TakaoTAKEDA (Water Research Institute, Nagoya University) 
Yoshiaki TOBA (Faculty of Science, Tohoku University) 
Ryuzo YOKOYAMA (Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University): Group Leader

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