Lake Mai-Ndcmbe is located in the north-central
part of SITE TWO where, according to White (1983),
the vegetation to the east of the lake and in the
northeast reaches of the study area is considered
Guineo-Congolian swamp forest (including riparian
forest). Lake Mai-Ndcmbe drains south into the
Fimi River near the town of Kutu while along the
southern edge of SITE TWO is the Kasai River.
White described the vegetation along the western
and southern edges of the lake as well as along
these major rivers as drier Guineo-Congolian rain
forest. A mosaic of Guineo-Congolian rain forest
with secondary grasslands is found beyond the
river corridors.
Vegetation types identified by White (1983) for
SITE THREE include: Guineo-Congolian rain forest
(in the southem/southeastem part of the study
rectangle); Guineo-Congolian rain forest: drier
types (isolated patches in the central part of
SITE THREE), and a mosaic of secondary grassland
and Guineo-Congolian rain forest for most of the
northern two-thirds of SITE THREE. The area is
drained to the west by the River Nepoko (southern
sections of SITE THREE), by the River Bcmokandi in
the central section, and by the River Uele in the
north. Relatively large settlements within this
site include: Dungu at the northern edge (on the
River Uele) and Mungbere.
In this investigation, proven image processing
methods for determining land cover and vegetation
vigor were applied to Landsat MSS data to assess
land cover characteristics from spectral
signatures and changes in land cover for an area
in equatorial Africa. The data provided herein
are destined to serve as a link between more
macroscale land cover data collection (e.g. AVHRR)
and field collected site data. Availability of
field data was highly limited, therefore, results
generated from the interpretation of the spectral
data are presented as a series of hypotheses for
future field verification. These hypotheses are
based on spectral analysis of Landsat MSS data.
Once verified in the field, the actual land cover
data will serve as one test of the quality of the
estimates provided by FAO/UNEP (1981). These
multitemporal assessments of land cover may be
used as a valuable source of quantitative data for
verification of models of deforestation in Africa.
Although all three sites have been analyzed, the
focus of this paper is on SITE ONE where ground
truth, although discontinuous, is more readily
available. SITE ONE contains a majority of land
cover features found collectively in the three
study sites and the trend in land cover change is
considered representative of the other sites.
Many detailed retrospective studies of the Earth's
surface have used Landsat MSS data because
comparable data date back to July, 1972.
Relatively cloud-free data were acquired for the
southwestern Central African Republic by Landsat
1 an 28 January 1973 (Scene ID: 1189-08422; Path
196, Row 57; with approximately 20 percent cloud
cover). Comparative data were obtained by Landsat
5 on 17 January 1987 (Scene ID: 51052-08340; Path
183, Row 57; approximately 10 percent cloud
cover). Interactive display and visual
interpretation of the 1987 data revealed that,
while the percent cloud cover was relatively low,
the vast majority of the scene was contaminated by
varying amounts of backscatter from smoke (most
likely from the dry season grass fires occurring
in July and August and again in December and
January). Increased Rayleigh and Mie scattering,
as a result of these atmospheric contaminants,
provided cansiderabl e and varying amounts of noise
in the reflectance signal from the surface cover
types. To insure accurate assessment of
vegetation change, sub-sites with minimal visual
evidence of smoke/haze contamination were selected
for detailed investigation in the Central African
Republic study area: Sites 1-A through F (Figure
The data from the two different Landsat sensors
were transformed into similar units (Robinove,
1982) thereby increasing the reliability of the
temporal comparison of surface vegetative cover
and mitigating minor radiometric differences
(i.e., gain settings). Standard procedures were
used to calculate radiance and exoatmospheric
reflectance from the raw digital counts (Robinove,
1982; Markham and Barker, 1986). Reflectance
calculations were done using the solar irradiance
spectrum recommended by the World Radiation Center
(Iqbal, 1983).
The next phase of data preprocessing involved
image registration. First, using SITE ONE for
example, the 1973 Landsat 1 data were deskewed;
the 1987 data were deskewed prior to user
purchase. The 1973 data were then resampled to
georegister the 1973 data with the 1987 data; the
57 m by 57 m pixel size of the Landsat 5 (1987)
data was used. A bilinear interpolation algorithm
was used and the transformation equations were
developed from data files that contained pixel
coordinates for distinctive landscape features
that could be identified in both the 1973 and the
1987 data sets; the RMS error was 0.5 pixels.