ШШ WmRhonegletscher
mm BiaBgy^ii
Aletschgletscher B*
i I 9 !
1 Gornergletscher J
Fig. 1: Location of test sites in relation to climatic regions of Switzerland and
Lands at-scene
Climatic regions: 1 Southwestern part
2 Valais
3 Northwestern part
4 Central and eastern plateau
5 Northern Alps
6 Grison
7 Ticino
chapter, leading to the establishment of a
longterm monitoring project.
For the development of the methods, the
Aletsch Glacier, the largest glacier of the Alps,
was selected, because of its size, its relative
smoothness of the surface and its relativly easy
access for surveillance and field investigation.
anticipated to include as many different glaciers
of the Swiss Alps as possible, representing the
various climatic regions. The limits will be
given by the size of the surface of the glacier
and by the Landsat frame (path 195, row 28).
Fig. 1 illustrates the study area regarding
general setting, climatic zones, location of the
glaciers presently under investigation, and the
area covered by the referred Landsat scene.
In the first test phase two additional examples,
the Rhone Glacier and the Gorner Glacier,
were also taken into account. Their features
(relief, aspect, etc.) as well as the climatic
characteristics are rather different.
For the future longterm monitoring project it is
General aspects
The first step comprises the development of a
method for a careful location of the EL A.
Using remote sensing data the most important
task is to establish a solid relationship between