Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

into its major parts, are compiled in Tab. 2. A 
preliminary analysis of these measurements 
leads to the following conclusions: 
- On the Aletsch Glacier the highest ELA in 
all four seasons is found on the south- 
oriented Ewigschneefald 
- The order of sucession for the other 
tributaries is as follows: 
=Krambergfirn/Gletscherhornfim (SE 
= Jungfraufim (SE aspect) 
= Aletschfim (NE aspect) 
- The Gomer glacier is often partially covered 
with local clouds which hamper a precise 
- The ELA on the Gorner Glacier in the 
central part of the "Valais" is approx. 250 m 
higher than the other ones. The ELA on the 
Rhone Glacier is approx. 100 m below the 
ones on the Aletsch Glacier. 
- The ELA is highest on all glaciers in 1986 
(except NE-oriented Aletschfim) 
- A general "upward" trend can be recognized 
from 1985 to 1988. 
The development of the ELA on an individual 
glacier as well as in the regional comparison 
reveals - for the time period under investigation 
- a surprisingly homogeneous and regular 
trend. But it has to be considered that all three 
glaciers belong to the same climatic zone, even 
though two of them are in a rather marginal 
location. It is obvious that more glaciers of 
different climatic zones have to be included in 
the monitoring project. 
Extensive correlations will have to be carried 
out with various ground measurements such as 
on weather, mass balance and run-off of the 
glaciers etc. 
To evaluate the AAR precisely it will become 
necessary to develop and operationalize a 
method to survey and measure the total area of 
each glacier by satellite remote sensing 
techniques. Furthermore it could be interesting 
to use other sensor techniques (thermal IR and 
SAR) for an additional characterization of the 
surface of the glacier. 
But the most important aspect remains the 
compilation and realization of a comprehensive 
longterm monitoring program. 
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glaciers for the determination of climatological 
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