Ecosystem Simulation System) is outlined.
We explain and illustrate the flow of
information from raw Thematic Mapper
imagery, 30 meter digital elevation models
(DEM) and digitized soils maps through the
derivation of the important model parameter
fields, extraction and definition of a terrain
feature (object) model of a watershed and
aggregation of the parameter fields into each
discrete landscape object, and the final
distributed simulation and reporting of
As an example, we illustrate the
parameterization and simulation of the North
Fork of Elk Creek, a 17 sq.km, experimental
watershed in the Garnet Range of western
Montana. This watershed is in steep
mountainous topography, with relatively thin
Qolluvial soils. The mainstreams trend east-
west, so that the major slopes are largely
north or south facing, with the exception of
more complex areas in the headwaters of the
basin. The vegetation is dominated by dense
conifer canopies on north facing slopes and
more open canopies with a grass understory
on south facing slopes, although previous
logging activity prior to 1960 and more
recent fires have influenced the forest pattern
in some locations.
As mentioned above, FOREST-BGC
is a stand level model of forest ecosystem
processes, driven by micrometeorologic and
local soil conditions. While the main
products of the model (in the form we are
currently operating it) are ET and NPP, a
host of intermediate and parallel products are
computed, including the seasonal trajectories
of soil water content, leaf water potential
and runoff, which are very useful for
validation purposes. In this respect the
modeler has the opportunity to check the
internal consistancy of the model with a
suite of observations and measurements that
can be made in the field, and not be limited
simply to ’tuning’ the model to produce
proper ET and NPP output. This sets the
model apart from a number of empirical
regression based approaches to the problem.
FOREST-BGC has been previously
described in detail by Running and Coughlan
(1988) and is discussed here just in
sufficient detail to present RESSYS.
Required input data includes daily
meteorogical conditions for a base station
and site specific data for the forest stand, in
this case, for each hillslope or portion of a
hillslope. Site specific information includes
topographic, soil and canopy information,
specifically the aspect and gradient of the
surface, SWC, LAI and elevation. A semi-
empirical model, MT-CLIM, extrapolates the
base station climatic data using accepted
principles of mountain meteorology by
considering the elevation, aspect and
gradient of the landscape units relative to the
base station (Running, Nemani and
Hungerford, 1987). The model calculates
canopy interception, evaporation,
transpiration, runoff, photosynthesis, growth
and maintenance respiration. Precipitation is
routed through the canopy and into the
snowpack or soil water where it becomes
available for root uptake. Leaf transpiration
is calculated with a Penman-Monteith
equation based on micrometeorologic
conditions, LWP and LAI, and drives the
uptake and conductance of soil water under
the constraints of physiologic conductance
and soil water potential terms. Canopy
photosynthesis is a function of C02
diffusion gradient, a radiation and
temperature controlled mesophyll C02
conductance, the canopy water vapor
conductance, LAI and the daylength.
Average canopy radiation is computed from
Beers Law for shortwave radiation canopy
extinction, with species specific physiologic
Of significance to our
parameterization strategy is the strong
nonlinearity of FOREST-BGC under certain
conditions. This tends to occur most often
when one or more model parameters
becomes limiting, such as the effect of soil
water at the onset of moisture stress. As