From equations (9), (10), and (11), the variance
of the estimated status of sample unit i is
Ht (1-Ht) H 2 + Ho (1 -Ho) ( 1-Yt ) 2
var(li ) (12)
Mt Mo
The estimated variance var( AT ) in equation (12)
is nearly zero when there is near perfect
classification accuracy (Ht -> 1 and Ho ->0), or
when there are a large number of plots (Mt and
Mo) used to estimate the conditional
misclassification probabilities Ht and Ho.
3.5 Heterogeneity caused by calibration
The variance var(AT) of estimated status AT for
each sample unit i in (12) differs among sample
units because the remotely sensed measurement IT
will differ among sample units. Measurement
error can produce heterogeneous variance among
sample units. This is one motivation for
composite estimation in Section 5.
3.6 Lack of independence caused by calibration
Propagated errors from the stratum level
calibration model will cause a lack of
independence among the estimated status of sample
units within that stratum. From equation (8),
the covariance between the unbiased estimates AT
and Xj of status of sample units i and J is
cov(Ii.Ij) = E[{ Jf Yi+Jo (1-Fi)}{Jf Yi+Jo (1-Tj )}].
E[Jf 2 ] = var(Wf) in (10), and E[Jo 2 ] = var(Wb) in
(11). Since Jt and Jo are independently
estimated from different plots, E[Jf Jo] = 0, and
cov(AT , Aj ) = var(№)FiFj + var( Ho ) (1-Fi ) (1-Fj ).
Errors propagated from the stratum level
calibration model will cause dependence among
estimated status of sample units within that
stratum. This covariance will be positive, and
will differ among sample units because the
remotely sensed estimates IT and Yj differ. This
is one motivation for Section 5.4, which
considers dependent sample units.
Composite estimators are often used in forestry
(Grégoire and Walters 1988), including sampling
with partial replacement. A composite estimator
(Fig. 1) combines two estimates, each of which is
weighted inversely proportional to its variance
(or in the multivariate case, its covariance
matrix). The weights can be derived using
maximum likelihood, minimum variance, or Bayesian
theory. If all assumptions are reasonable, error
in a composite estimate is less than error in
either prior estimate.
If the variances var(ft) for the calibrated
estimates of sample unit status were homogeneous
for the entire stratum, then the mean of the n
sample units would be the minimum variance
unbiased estimate of the stratum status. If
var( ft ) is heterogeneous, the sample mean would
Two independent Composite
estimates estimate
Fig. 1 Probability densities for two independent
estimates. These are weighted inversely
proportional to their variances, and combined
into a single, more precise, composite estimate.
remain unbiased, but would not be the minimum
variance estimate. As an alternative, the
composite estimator (Maybeck 1979) could weight
the estimated status AT of each sample unit
inversely proportional to its variance.
5.1 Estimated stratum status, two sample units
Estimates of stratum status from two sample units
(AT, X2 ) can be combined using the composite
estimator into an estimate Xt2 of stratum status
X. The composite estimator uses weights, (1-&)
and Oi, that are inversely proportional to the
variances of estimates Ai and AT :
A#2 = (l-Æ)Ii + 02 X2, (13)
<32 = var( AT ) / i var ( Ai ) + var( AT ) ]. (14)
Estimated variances var(•) are used rather than
their true, but unknown variances. In this case,
estimate A#2 in (13) would not be optimal with
respect to minimum variance (Maybeck 1979).
However, estimate A#2 will be nearly optimal if
var(ATi) and var( AT ) are accurate estimates, and
assuming estimates Ai and AT are independent.
Even if estimate A#2 is suboptimal, A#2 is
unbiased; from equations (1) and (13),
I#2 = (1 -&)(A + Wi) + &U+ ft),
= X + (1-02 ) Wi + 02ft. (15)
Since random deviations ft and ft have expected
values of zero in (1), and O2 is a nonrandom
constant, then E[A#2] = A in (15), and estimate
A* 2 is unbiased. Variance of the composite
estimate using the first two sample units is
var(A#2) = (1-O2) 2 var( Ai ) + (O2) 2 var(AT). (16)
5.2 Efficiency of the composite estimate
The statistical efficiency of the composite
estimator is compared to the efficiency of the
mean of estimates Ai and A2. Substituting O2
from equation (14) into equation (16), variance
of the composite estimate is given in (17)