Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

in X. Weights in (24) produce minimus variance 
estimates given heterogeneous, correlated errors 
and n = 2, and can be expressed in matrix form as 
Gc = (1 1' - I) C 1 / [1’ (1 1’ - I) C 1 ], 
(1 1’ - I) C 1 
(n-1) V Q 1, 
where I is the (n x n) identity matrix. Based on 
sui hoc rationale for n > 2, the weights in 
equation (28) can be used in estimation equation 
(26), where G * Gc, for combining estimates from 
many sample units (n > 2) into an unbiased 
estimate of the stratum status. If the sample 
units are independent and have homogeneous 
variance, then s 2 , C = I s 2 , and (28) becomes 
(11’ -I) s 2 1 (n-1) 1 1 
(n-1) 1’ s 2 1 (n-1) n n. 
The mean of the sample units can be expressed as 
matrix equation (26), where the (n x 1) weighting 
vector is 
Gb = 1 / n. 
If the sample units are independent with 
homogeneous variance, then the composite estimate 
in (26) and (28) is identical to the mean because 
Gc from (29) is identical to G* from (30). 
5.6 Efficiency of vector composite estimator 
When errors are heterogeneous and dependent, the 
composite estimator in (26) and (28) is expected 
to be more efficient than the mean of the sample 
units. From (27) and (28), variance var(Ac) of 
the composite estimate Ac of stratum status X is 
var(Ajc) - Gc * C Gc. 
The weighting vector Ga for the mean in equation 
(30) may be rewritten as 
11’ Cl 11’C1-C1+C1 
n 1’ C 1 n 1’ C 1 
(1 1’ - I) C 1 Cl 
= + (32) 
n 1’ C 1 n 1’ C 1, 
From (27), (28), and (31), variance var(Ak) of 
the mean estimate A» of stratum status is 
var( A») 
Gc ' C Gc ( n~ 1) 2 
n 2 
1’ C’ C C 1 
n 2 (n-1) 2 , 
var( Aic ) ( n-1 ) 2 
n 2 
1’ C’ C C 1 
n 2 (n-1) 2 . 
Since (n-1) 2 //? 2 in (33) will nearly equal to one 
for typical sample sizes n, variance var(Jc) of 
the composite estimate in (31) will be smaller 
than variance var(A*) of the mean estimate in 
(33), unless there are large negative covariances 
among sample units in covariance matrix C such 
that the scalar (l’C’CCl) in (33) is negative. 
Misclassification in remote sensing will bias 
estimated status of individual sample units. A 
calibration model can correct for this bias, but 
the calibration model will introduce uncertainty 
into our remotely sensed estimate of the status 
of each sample unit (Section 3). Additional 
uncertainty is introduced by changes in land use, 
land management, and vegetation succession in 
each sample unit. If a deterministic model could 
predict these changes after the remotely sensed 
imagery is acquired, then this model can estimate 
status of each sample unit over time. 
Predictions of the deterministic model can be 
incorporated into statistical estimates of 
stratum status using the Kalman filter (e.g., 
Gregoire and Walters 1988). Dixon and Howitt 
(1979) describe how the Kalman filter can be 
applied to sampling with partial replacement in 
continuous forest inventories. Czaplewski (1990) 
presents a simple tutorial example of estimating 
forest cover over time using the Kalman filter. 
The Kalman filter is portrayed in Fig. 2. One 
unbiased estimate is made at time t (e.g., a 
calibrated remotely sensed measurement). The 
other unbiased estimate (e.g., a previous, 
calibrated remotely sensed measurement) is made 
at time t-1, but is updated for expected changes 
between times t and t-1 using the deterministic 
model. Variance for the updated estimate 
includes effects of errors in the previous 
estimate that are propagated over time, and 
prediction errors from the deterministic model. 
Perfect Imperfect 
prediction model prediction model 
Fig. 2 Probability density for a Kalman estimate 
that i8 a composite of measurement data at time t 
and a prior estimate at time t-1, which is 
updated using a prediction model. Given a 
perfect prediction model, only estimation error 
at t-1 is propagated to time t. More 
realistically, the prediction model is imperfect, 
and a prediction error also occurs. The Kalman 
filter combines measurements and model 
predictions into a composite estimate, weighted 
inversely proportional to their variances.

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