Object: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Eng. Ms. Truong Thi Hoa Binh 
Scientist, Application Remote Sensing 
Division - Center of Geography and 
Natural Resources - National Center for 
Scientific Research of Vietnam. 
Nghiado - Tuliem - Hanoi - Vietnam 
Telex 411525 NCSR VT 
Tel 58333/305 
In Vietnam, we are using many kinds of remote sensing data: Landsat, SPOT imageries, SOYUZ photos, aerial 
MKF-6M photos, SOYUZ high resolution photos etc... Every kind has its advantages and disadvantages. For 
concrete purpose we have to use certain kind of data or their combination. 
There is an important question, How to choose the optimum kind or combination of data. If we know the 
object’s nature and if we know specifics of every kind of data, we can answer above question. Many landuse 
maps have been established by using remote sensing data in our Division. Based on the practice of using 
multisensor, multitemporal, multispectral and multiresolution data for landuse mapping, we compared, 
evaluated them and offered some suggestion of their using for certain purpose. 
The first time Landsat image came to Vietnam from Mekong committee in 1978, some months after the 
Remote sensing Center was born (later it was renamed as Center of Geography and Natural resources). 
The first maps like : Forest change map of Lamdong province 1:1 mil, Landuse map of Lamdong province 
1:1 mil. etc... were established on trial using landsat 1,2 imageries. Based on them, a common methodology 
of thematic mapping by using remote sensing data was offered (fig 1). 
Later other kinds of data came from different sources: SOYUZ photos, aerial MKF-6M photos, MSK-4 photos, 
SOYUZ high resolution photos, TM and SPOT imageries Hassebblad AMCS photos etc... We have to compile 
thematic maps using all kinds of data came to our hands. Many thematic maps, mainly landuse maps, have 
been established using above data by the scientists of our division or their cooperation with others. Those 
maps are: Landuse map of Baoloc district 1983 1:50,000/1/, Landuse map of Central Plateau 1983 - 1984 
1:250,000/2/, Landuse map of Lamdong province 1984 1:100,000/3/, Landuse map of Central Plateau 1985 
1:250,000/4/, Landuse map of Vietnam 1985 1:1 mil./5/, Landuse map of Minhrong Government Farm 1985 
1:10,000/6/, Landuse map of coastal zone of Vietnam 1989 1:250,000/7/, Landuse map of Donduong district 
(Lamdong province) for planning 2,000 ha of Mulberry 1988-1989 1:10,000/8/. The used practice for different 
purpose will show the advantages and disadvantages of every kind of data and will help us to choose the 
optimum kind or combination of data. It depends on object’s nature, specifics of data, scale of map etc... 
It permits to mapping on different scales (Table 1) to choose the best kind of data for certain object or 
purpose example:

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