for harvest scheduling and for managing control
programs. Low resolution linear array imager
data with optimized wavelength bands may provide
suitable information. Change detection techniques
using airborne imager data have tremendous
potential for detection, delineation and
quantification of insect and disease damage.
MEIS II data has been successfully used
to detect spruce budworm defoliation (Ahem et aL,
1985; Epp and Reed, 1986; Ahem et aL, 1986).
Ahem et aL, (1986) compared MEIS and airborne
MSS systems and found that improved detection of
defoliation caused by spruce budworm damage was
obtainable with the MEIS imagery. The
differences between the MEIS and airborne MSS
performances was traced primarily to a difference
between the widths and placements of their
spectral bands, particularly the red band. The
greater signal-to-noise ratio of MEIS compared to
that of airborne MSS was also important.
Epp and Reed (1986), conducted a
comparison of MEIS and TM data for spruce
budworm infestation detection and found that more
accurate maps of damage could be obtained from
these sensors when compared to traditional aerial
sketch mapping. The ability to detect budworm
infestation with the MEIS sensors was higher than
TM due improved spectral band placement, narrow
band widths, and greater signal-to-noise ratio.
4.4 Sampling Systems
Sampling of forest parameters is
appropriate for acquiring quantitative data for
forest inventory, forest change, and insect and
disease damage. The flexibility of linear array
imagers, particularly, their flexible resolution (e.g.
from 0.25 to 10 m) and choice of spectral bands, is
advantageous for forest sampling. The use of an
inertial navigation (INS) or global positioning
(GPS) system to locate sample areas for data
acquisition and to geometrically correct the data to
cartographic coordinates makes linear array imager
data ern excellent tool for stratifying, sampling and
quantifying forest parameters. Linear array imager
data could be an integral part of an integrated
forest monitoring system incorporating new and
sophisticated satellite remote sensing techniques,
multistage or multiphase sampling with airborne
imagery, ground sampling, GIS technology, expert
systems, and knowledge of forest management
4J5 Regeneration Assessment
There are a number of possible roles for
airborne linear array sensors for regeneration
assessment, including site assessment for
reforestation and monitoring juvenile stands for
problems such as poor survival and excessive
competition. Some of the first imagery acquired
with the MEIS II was of a test regeneration area
of the Petawawa National Forestry Institute in
Ontario and showed considerable potential for
softwood species discrimination (Leckie and
Dombrowski, 1984).
Kneppeck and Ahem (1987) found that
trees as young as 6 years could be detected using
1 m MEIS data. They also found that although
the spatial resolution of MEIS data (1 m) was
much coarser than 1:10,000 photography (0.19 m)
the increased radiometric and spectral resolution
of the MEIS data provided additional data which
offset its lower spatial resolution. The MEIS data
were able to detect regeneration at lower conifer
densities than the colour photography and provide
better separation into density classes. The MEIS
data was able to separate regenerating stands into
three meaningful conifer density and three
meaningful brush density classes and was more
sensitive to brush competition than conventional
These results indicate that MEIS data can
be used to detect free-to-grow areas and areas
with serious brush competition (NSR). The data
can also be used to indicate conifer density and
identify problems such as compacted soils.
4.6 Waste Surveys
Although little research has been done on
the use of airborne linear array data for waste
survey assessments the ability to obtain high
spatial resolution data suggests that such data
may be able to be used for such purposes.
5.1 Conclusions
Three airborne linear array systems
available in Canada (MEIS, FLI and CASI) have
been introduced and evaluated for their operational
feasibility for a variety of forestry applications.
Although these sensors are based on similar linear
array technology the unique design of each system
provides very different functionalities which makes
each suitable for different applications.
The MEIS II sensor was designed as an
operational airborne system and consequently it
incorporates advanced mapping capabilities such as
inflight precision geo-referencing using inertial
navigation data, stereo data acquisition to allow
terrain correction from digital elevation models
(OEM’s) and powerful inflight and post-flight data
processing facilities to provide rapid turn-around
from data acquisition to final product generation.
The FLI and CASI systems, on the other
hand, have not yet been developed to an
operational level. These systems are currently
used primarily for research-oriented applications.
The two-dimensional design of these systems,
however, represents a significant advancement in