information and digital elevation models (DEM).
Alternatively digitized aerial photos can be used
instead of satellite data. The result of segmen
tation is checked and edited interactively on a
workstation monitor. When the operator is satis
fied with the result, a hardcopy is printed for
field use.
2.1.2 Stand data estimation. Estimates of
stand characteristics are obtained by applying
regression functions to the spectral signatures
within each delineated stand (Tomppo 1986),(Hagner
1989). The regression functions are derived from
NFI-plot data and corresponding multispectral
satellite data. Techniques developed by Holmgren
(1990) are used to model site type parameters from
soil map information and digital elevation models.
2.1.3 Field inventory. A simplified version of
the subjective field inventory method used in
Sweden today is used to collect stand data. The
surveyor describes all variables frcm one spot
within each stand. Only a few supporting measure
ments are made. The surveyor concentrates on
variables that can not be described by remote
sensing, such as: Treatment recommendations,
environmental considerations, etc. Hand-held field
computers are used for data entering and checking
of consistency and completeness. During field
inventory errors and corrections of the delinea
tion are noted. A few (10-15) stands are selected
for an objective reference survey, in order to
determine correction factors for personal bias of
the ground crew.
2.1.4 Combined estimation. The results of field
inventory are used together with the estimates
obtained from NFI- and satellite data, to calcu
late new estimates for each stand. If random
errors are uncorrelated and if field and satellite
estimates are weighted according to the inverse of
their variances, then combined estimates will have
higher precision than any of the separate input
sources. Also other sources of information, such
as aerial photo interpretation, previous field
inventory data, etc., can be included in the
combined estimates.
2.1.5 Map production. Once the combined esti
mates of stand data have been calculated, a second
automatic merging pass is started. Adjacent stands
with minor differences are joined into larger
units, according to criteria for desired size of
final stands and acceptable within-stand varia
tion. Also the result of this second merging pass
is checked and edited by the operator. Finally the
result is transferred to a GIS for storage, analy
sis, and presentation.
2.2 Test sites
Five test sites were used. They are located near
the city of Umea in Northern Sweden (63°.9 N,
20°. 1 E) (Figure 1). The sites are representative
of the forest types found in most parts of North
ern Sweden, dominated by natural stands of Scots
pine and Spruce (Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies) in
various mixtures with broadleafs, mainly birch
(Betula pubescens and B. verrucosa). The sites are
owned by private owners (site 1) and forest com
panies (sites 2-5). The relative proportions of
age and cutting classes are fairly normal for
Northern Sweden, with approximately 50% being old
mature stands.
2.2.1 Test site no. 1. The main objective for
the used site no. 1 was to evaluate the perfor
mance of various methods for stand delineation.
The specific location was selected because of the
diversity of forest types, age, and cutting
classes represented in the area. Also a wide range
of site types are found, with several types of
moraine and sediment soils. The topography is
rather flat, with an altitude ranging from 45 up
to 120 meters.
A dense grid of 1468 sample plots (2 plots/-
hectare) were surveyed. The variables measured on
each plot were: wood volume/hectare, mean tree
diameter, tree species mixture, and various site
type variables, such as: soil type, moisture,
vegetation, type etc. A manual stand delineation
of the test site was made by means of visual
interpretation of black and white aerial photos,
at the scale of 1:30 000. The delineation was
checked and corrected in situ.
2.2.2 Test sites no. 2-5. These test sites were
used to evaluate the precision of stand character
istics estimated frcm satellite data and NFI-
sample plots. A total of 80 reference stands,
were located in 4 separate sites (Figure 1). The
characteristics of each stand were determined frcm
20 circular (radius: 10 meters) sample plots,
distributed according to a systematic square grid.
Also, subjective estimates of stand variables were
obtained for each stand by professional surveyors,
using the traditional inventory methods, see
section 1.1.1.
8 NFI -
Figure 1. location of test sites and National
Forest Inventory plots used in the study. Each
dot represents a cluster of eight NFI sample
plots. The area shewn corresponds to the Landsat 5
quarter scene acquired 21 06 89.
2.3 National Forest Inventory sample plots
The Swedish NFI is a continuous inventory. Approx
imately 18 500 plots are surveyed each year.
Of these, 40% are permanent and revisited every 5
years. More than 200 stand and site variables are
recorded for each plot (Ranneby et al. 1987 ).
A total of 740 permanent NFI-sample plots, sur
veyed during the period of 1983-1987, and corre
sponding spectral signatures frcm a satellite
acquisition (Landsat 5 TM, 1989) were used to
construct regression functions for estimation of
stand characteristics frcm spectral signatures.
The location of NFI-plots is shown in Figure 1.